Mark Dankof nailed it: Israel is an essentially diabolical entity which seeks to destroy virtually every established order in the Middle East. Israeli officials are quite comfortable to impose draconian rules upon Iran, but they are not willing to apply the same rules to themselves. Iran should not even have nuclear power plants, but Israel ought to have at least 200 nuclear warheads down their basements.[1] Totally ridiculous.
Tehran Times: How do you assess Israeli sabotage operation on the Natanz nuclear facility? What are the reasons and motives?
Mark Dankof: Israel simply wants a monopoly on nuclear weaponry in the Middle East, to continue its pursuit of Eretz Yisrael (Greater Israel) from the Tigris to the Euphrates Rivers. Its history of terrorism, land theft, and quest for the establishment of a World Government based in Jerusalem and enforced by a Zionist controlled global banking system and enabled by its puppets in the Zionist Occupied Governments (ZOG) of the United States specifically and the Western World generally. This demonic agenda involves the need for an unchecked nuclear monopoly in the Middle East and one not under the scrutiny of the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPF) as Iran is.