Israel and Palestine: The Tragedy of Unprocessed Trauma | Opinion
Marianne Williamson
, Newsweek columnist, best-selling author and activist
On 5/24/21 at 12:30 PM EDT
In the words of Arundhati Roy, "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day we can hear her breathing." Our faith that another world is possible is our most powerful tool for enduring and transforming the times in which we live.
It is a particularly daring thought when one approaches the situation in Israel and Palestine, where nothing short of another world entirely is exactly what we need. Yet current conceptualizations of the situation decidedly fail to pave the way for any other reality than the tragic one existing now. Some refuse to criticize Israel no matter what her transgressions, while others refuse to acknowledge even her right to exist. Neither far right wing nor far left wing propaganda—one so filled with willful ignorance and the other so filled with hate—can pave the way to a solution.