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Situation, so it should be expected that it will be successful according to the attention and Capacity Building that has been done. I came to iran, it was interesting to me that you have a ski resort. In this trip, i plan to produce video content for the people of russia to get to know iran more. Simultaneously with the World Tourism Day and with the cancellation of twoway visas with russia , the first group of tourists from this country entered iran. I came from a Russian Airline i want to write about irans safety and Tourist Attractions in aviation magazines. I came to iran as a tour guide to get to know more and i want to set up special tours for binan and russia. The efforts of the parties to apply the mechanism are widespread and we hope that this mechanism will play an Important Role in improving it. Tourism relations between the two countries. Iran has special tourism capacities. While many countries in the region and the world are not able to compete with these capacities. We are looking to cancel the visas of the five countries that we specified, with the priority of the neighboring countries. With the continuous followup we had, the visa has been canceled it answers more than 10 countries are currently canceling visas, some of them unilaterally. China and some of them are bilateral like turkey. In april this year , the first group of Chinese Tourists came to iran with the cancellation of oneway visas. I am pleased that Chinese Tourists who are interested in irans history can enter iran without visas. Even before corona, the Chinese Embassy issued 80,000 visas to iranian tourists every year. These days it is an effective measure for us chinese tour operators. In the announcement of the general policies of the 7th plan, in paragraph 22, on strengthening the economyoriented approach in politics foreign and regional and global relations and strengthening of economic ties with neighboring priority. Our policy is to strengthen tourism between neighboring and neighboring countries. We are focusing on this. According to industry experts. Visa is one of the ways to develop foreign tourism. Also, this is an emphasis on the existence of security and peace in our iran. Nasreen bekpour, sed and radio reporter. Well, lets get our visas oneway, right . Yes. Why is it onesided . See one of the tourism policies that countries follow to attract incoming tourists, canceling visas. It is onesided, in any case, this is a policy it is tourism that you should consider the countries as well as the countries of the region. With a significant number of countries, people say how can china come without, for example , a visa, come, we want to go. I would like to mention this point in the visa cancellation plan , which was carried out with the cooperation of the ministry of Foreign Affairs and under the guidance of the friends of the ministry of Foreign Affairs, some countries will cancel their visas bilaterally, so that it will be possible for our compatriots to travel. Russia cancels twoway group visas 50 countries have already been promised that you will see the plan that the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts has prepared by the order of the president of the republic of turkey to clarify the document of transformation of the government. Be considered and the final list will be announced after the image of the honorable government. That we prepared can be said, but if i want to present the criteria and indicators , the policy is based on the policy of the neighborhood, in fact , the membership of the 13th government in International Organizations such as shanghai and brics is based on this. Of course, in the area of ​​countries that have tourism capacity, i will give an example of brics countries , which are one of the most attractive countries in the world, so the location of brazil, russia, india, china , and south africa are part of the governments policies. It is in accordance with the foreign policies of the 13th government and based on the attractiveness of these countries for tourists to enter iran. Now, those who are investors in irans Tourism Sector have already followed them to see if they are satisfied at all. It was attractive or not, if we actually had a mind, i presented a point that our priority is to support and solve the problems of the current investors. The field of tourism projects is under construction, on the initiative of the honorable minister mirasef faringardi, a study has been formed to examine the cases of largescale projects, especially projects that other agencies are responsible for. Dear president , the problem of the investment project was solved the amount of investment is more than one thousand billion tomans. Well, this project has had applicants for years, but with the followup of the honorable minister, the honorable Deputy President ial executive and the special assistance of the honorable minister of agriculture, the problem of this project was actually solved. Lets say there are about 30 projects whose problems have been solved due to the largescale feature of interacting with other devices, and some investors who are actually building their projects, these are those who have, for example, 70 physical development or sometimes higher. No , i have a question, for example, someone who made assumptions in previous years he built a hotel. Yes, he is doing well now. Look at some of these. In fact, the investors have expressed their satisfaction due to the location of their projects. The Tourism Sector is to be prioritized. We should not hide that since the beginning of 2018, the Tourism Sector has been the subject of riots in november 2018 and one of the policies of the government was to maintain the discussion of incentives. For example, in 1390, develop the definition of a gas, in fact, residential facilities sometimes it had increased up to 7 times. Well, this was one of the issues that , according to you, made you unhappy about the condition of the damaged facilities. Returning to the previous situation again in 1402, despite the fact that it quadrupled in one or two months, the government again supported it due to these features. It should be communicated to existing and future investors, if they invest for years he has already invested , now he is doing well , there is no need to encourage investment for future investors. Do you want to go around, for example, buy a coin broker, buy a car, is it like this or not, he really says, if you really want to invest, come to the Tourism Sector , let it be, you can see it at all, i mean , what kind of products are the incentives that the production sector produces . Services should actually capital towards in fact, safi and the things you mentioned are not good, thats why we cant write a book that sometimes its like a game and the things you mentioned have been more profitable. He has already complained about the cold, now he is in a good condition. See some of the facts that i mentioned, such as not benefiting from the existing Tax Exemptions or the discussion of energy definitions. Thats what im saying in the approach it has been supportive in the field of infrastructure and it should be improved, for example, with this attitude, in cooperation with the tact and initiative of the respected members of the parliament, the incentive laws of this field are actually being updated, and the laws of our field go back to more than 3 decades ago. Instigation with the initiative of 203 respected representatives has actually been presented as a plan to support and encourage investment in the Tourism Industry in order to find ways for existing investors and future investors to have peace of mind. Ok, what is the answer to your question, give a definite and real yes the desire of the one that is very prominent among some of these incentives is actually to determine the share of tourism from the countrys major facilities. You see, in 140 and 1401, the share of tourism from kalor education increased from 2 to 10 , but this it was a case in point, as i said, the issue of acceptable taxation is a measure that the 13th government considered , the issue of 5 allocation of Capital Asset acquisition credits to Tourism Infrastructures was an initiative, tact and encouragement that the 13th government used , these should be it should be continued in the way that with the change of policies, with the change of attitude do not fluctuate. That plan is in the process of being established in the form of the Legal Community in the form of a summary and a summary of some of the approvals that i mentioned. Very well , regarding the recent trips that happened, you had several other trips with foreign officials last week as well. You were with mr. Minister of uzbekistan. What are the achievements of these trips for our Tourism Industry . See, of course, tourism is an interactive tourism, one of the ways that should be followed is to attend meetings and present the tourism capacities of the country and facilitate the arrival of tourists. Well, on a trip to russia what about china, the country actually took place in uzbekistan, the bilateral interactions that took place with tajikistan are actually aimed at introducing the tourism capacities that pakistan introduced, in many of these trips, the private sector is accompanied by the government delegation, and the possibility of exchange is actually cooperation. They have their own business partners, for example, during a trip to china, the iranian private sector found the possibility of a oneweek facetoface interaction with 20 large chinese brokerage offices and 8 chinese online agencies , and these have the capacity those who come to the aid of the private sector, in short, i would like to say that if we we want to increase our share of International Tourism and diversify our markets in such a way that we are least affected by political fluctuations. Naturally, this diversity in the markets is necessary, which is being followed up, and we have a headquarters of the National Travel Service Coordination headquarters, which convenes several times a year with the participation of various organizations. What people see is usually amer wargami who comes out of this headquarters. What really special things happen in the headquarters for trips . Dear mr. Khosravi, 27 members of this headquarters. From 1 Million People as in nowruz i believe that one Million People work on a permanent basis and periodically in the form of job, job, as well as voluntary activities, so that these trips to the internal field of gashk can take place. For example, you say what activities are carried out in the field of transportation, well , there are many devices in the field of transportation, accompanying these with the field of services, in fact, is the request that the red crescent actually provides , or the activities that organizations such as the ministry of health will provide or match these with the activities that the information provided by the Broadcasting Organization , if i mentioned the matter of explaining the time and the place of travel is done by these devices, the Tourism Infrastructure is at the disposal of these devices. In the past two years, you have witnessed some climate changes, which were carried out by our friends of the Meteorological Organization of sedasi and operationalized as accommodation for travelers who are on their way. Many of you stayed last year and you saw that these capacities should be put to work so that the passengers on the way can stay. The capacities of the ministry of education and culture in times of emergency. Please read in brief the coordination of the travel services has been followed by synergy for proper Tourist Services , and the change that has been made has become a permanent headquarters , that is, from a headquarters that operates only during nowruz to a reality that is active during our year, especially after actually, in the field of Domestic Tourism management, many measures have been taken by these institutions, because responding to the demand of domestic tourists after corona actually requires additional work. Coordination is one of the main goals that are being pursued. I want to say here, see more. There are two dozen that the explanation of travel time is one of the goals that is followed one of the approaches that was followed in this headquarters was the proposal that was presented to the parliament in the form of amending the law on the duration of civil service, and the proposal to divide the holidays into two days if there was no synergy between the institutions and the demand that was made of course, the past two decades did not come to fruition, or look at the issue of tourism events, more than 18 events are being held in the country every year , agricultural events and festivals , which are actually harvesting agricultural products, which really show the beautiful effects of happiness, are difficult. Feed the events, religious ceremonies and rituals that are being held, all of these have the capacity to attract domestic tourists and of course foreign tourists, one of the events in the travel Service Headquarters. The leveling of this event was done and the travel Service Headquarters of those cities organizing the event were made to work. The example you gave about kondovan is also possible in many other cities. Service by the devices should be given in the action order that we announced, subject to the events we will come and introduce it, we will register it, and we will introduce and advertise it through various institutions, including the seda sima organization, for example , the blueberry festival that you showed in kurdistan is one of its manifestations, which the travel Service Headquarters of that city, which he is in charge of the issue of travel management, give the necessary commitments to provide appropriate services, that is why in the system of round events of our country, after actually accepting the responsibility of the travel Service Headquarters of the cities, you should carefully level these according to the capacity of these events. It can be introduced and you talk about time and place you once talked about the winter holidays, which did not happen. Do you have a plan . Naturally, the plan to organize the holidays is a multidimensional and multiaxis plan. We have the largest plan that can make a suitable organizer between solar holidays, lunar calendar holidays and religious occasions that are in accordance with the lunar calendar and the National Occasions that we have that can be combined between these, naturally, some winter holidays that you mentioned that it was paid in the form of that of course, this is necessary , in fact, it is the right time to present this plan. Very well, and your situation in connection with the National Portal of the profit of licenses, because there are many applicants and there are one of the areas where there are both applicants and, in a sense, there is diversity, is the field of tourism. Let me tell you that we have more than 123 papers , i want to tell you how much work we were actually dealing with. Of course, this action was really worthy of appreciation by the parliament and the government, and naturally, there should be a Serious Movement in the system. In the area. Worksheets, we had a good activity in the field connecting, in fact, issuing the magus, almost all of our licenses are connected, but sometimes, this is all a hardware action, all software actions are culturebuilding that must be done. In our opinion , the first activity has been done properly , and the second activity has been done continuously. In fact , it is being done by the ministry of home affairs as a pioneer and it is continuously monitored. In our opinion, it is necessary to facilitate some of the existing examples in such a way that we except for those 123 worksheets in the conditions that we actually suggested in the worksheets the ministry of economy and finance was in such a way that some of the committees, some of the existing approaches to postpone the permits were removed by our proposal, of course, in my opinion, this is a process that needs to be modified. It is a continuous task that should be included in the agenda of the devices. Okay, we have less than two minutes. According to the emphasis that i had on cheap trips , i dont know if you can say this trip in this one minute. What do you mean by cheap and then what plan did you have for it, maybe one of the main topics which is related to our field of work , it is in the field of travel and accommodation. For the first time, Land Transfer in the field of religious tourism in zair serraha was possible and handed over. This was actually a good thing that happened. The second incident was the use of the empty capacity of the devices residences. We received this approval from the government, once again the honorable first Vice President sent a letter to the agencies, our work is not yet complete, but we are looking for the empty capacity of the accommodation facility to be identified and that empty capacity properly. It should be explained between people in particular in the first part, Government Employees have been approved, a system has been designed, and the system is required to introduce their Accommodation Capacity so that it can be planned. Very well, thank you very much. There is no more time to ask questions. We are out of time. Thank you, mr. Shalban, for your presence in the program. I would also like to thank you and also thank you to the viewers who patiently listened to our conversation. I am on the front of gaza alazza due to the storm of alaqsa. God and fatah this is free, yes, it is free, this is free, yes, this is free, this is free, this is free, yes this. This is free with mahd farshs carpet plus design and become a free carpet owner. France is ruined. Do you want to invest . Sometimes, with an emotional investment, everything goes wrong at once. We have a special offer for you. Benefit from a significant profit by depositing in the Credit Institution of the nations. The benefit that comes from helping the industry and economy of the country. Be a part of the Economic Growth of the country by making a deposit in the national Credit Institution. Credit institution of nations. The place is great, the color of the rice is great, the aroma of the rice is great , the taste is great, the taste is great, sophia tea is great. Oh you it is only in the strength of metal that it is perfect. We have brought you the raw gold from morocco. Argan oil is a new product from parashak. We should say hello to nature again. We arrived at a new city, a famous city, it has a reputation, a city of Home Appliances, it wants originality and quality, a city of Home Appliances , you want a longterm payment, a city of appliances, a city of Household Appliances in the city of mrs. Golchin, you were supposed to have a cup of tea , sir, this cup smells very bad, look, sir. You washed this cup sitting down, but with the door you sat down, it gives a clean feeling, so dont spill any cement in it, no, madam, dont worry, you washed the liquid with the door closed. Remove the baking soda in the dishwasher. In the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , have a good night. Its 20 00 and i m at your service. The minister of interior announced the issuance of more than one million Identification Cards for doctors and continued issuance of this card for all foreign horses. Mr. Vahidi added horses do not have a national card, but they have a name that is known by it. Referring to the existence of multiple Identification Cards for foreign horses, the minister of interior said the Immigration Organization is seeking to

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