You are on the other side of the table, in the eyes of a city, a hand to you, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good night, dear viewers of the news network, dear and respected viewers of the programs front page, the arrival of the birthday of the blessed and blessed Prophet Muhammad bin abdullah, peace and blessings of god be upon him and his family. Also, masouds 6th khursheed sepehr birthday i congratulate Imam Jafar Sadiq peace be upon him and i wish that, god willing, all of us will be able to be among the true followers of the path of god, may god bless him and grant him peace. Lets talk, but our guests have not yet arrived at the program studio. I invite you to send all the programs so that we can wait for the guest of the program , the honorable chairman of the Cultural Commission of the islamic council, as soon as he arrives , we will present this conversation to you. Happy new year. Which is the focus of this lebanese muslim scientists research. Internationally. He wins the mossaffa award in iran. Sayegh from lebanon appears on the stage of the mustafa award. Wife, my two children, and thank god for my parents, nine brothers and sisters, my keeping me blessed, thank you. Of course, this is one of dozens of awards he has received, but he says that receiving the mustafa award is an honor for him. After i came back to lebanon in 2014, i was awarded the sedar. Award by the president of the republic and in 2018 i won the award for the Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of sciences. I was named twice in arab magazine as one of the most influential arabs 500 people particularly in the category of research and of course its a great honor to be the winner of the mustafa prize for 2020 say respected and achieving people. Now he has returned to iran to share his research with scientists and medical students. Put iranian this worlds best iranian scientist in the field of Organ Transplantation at the level of the advanced countries of the world. In the field of Organ Transplantation, iran is comparable to advanced countries. The level of Government Support for patients in need of Organ Transplantation is extraordinary. Iran has one of the best forms of support for patients who need Organ Transplants. Because they can do organ transplant without paying. Dr. Sayegh, who are we using iranian . I hope that the sanctions will be lifted, although the sanctions are an opportunity for scientists and pharmaceutical companies, of course, for this iranian organ transplant medical scientist, there are also other benefits. I love the country of iran and its people, i love the commitment of iranian doctors , and i learned from the performance of Organ Transplants that the medical staff of iran do wonderful things. I have 22 years of experience in this field, when i left harvard, and dr. Reza abdi, an iranian student, took my place, and this tells you that iranian people are smart and clever. Dr. Sayegh believes that the mustafa award can create a network of thoughtful and talented minds in the islamic world to sharing your knowledge, haani jalinjad , islam broadcasting news. Peygaberim, sultanlm, du cihanda penahlm , peygamberim, sultanlm, du cihanda penahlm, dilde olan fermanln, la Ilahe Illallah, dilde olan fermanlm, la Ilahe Illallah. Sensin ruhun tabibi haalimizin habibi, ruhumuzun cilasl, kalbimizin safasl, zikrullahln alasl, la Ilahe Illallah, zikrullahln alasl, la ilahe illa Muhammed Rasulullah illallah, illallah, la Ilahe Illallah, illallah, illallah, muhammed. Askl ile izzete erdiriyor devlete vaslettiren hazrete la Ilahe Illallah vaslettiren hazrete layl. Ilahe illallah, sensin hakkln habibi, ettin tevhidi, sensin hakkln habibi, talim ettin tevhidim, muhibbinin tabibiim. Hello again, i would like to express your presence, dear viewers of the program on the front page of khabar network, as we announced to you, tonight we are at the service of the honorable chairman of the Cultural Commission of the islamic council, mr. Hojjat. Alislam walmuslimin hajj mr. Agha tehrani , to whom i greet you. I want health for everyone. I am very grateful that i was able to serve you. I thank god and thank you. Stay healthy until you take a deep breath. You have arrived. We will broadcast a report for the audience to get to know more about the Cultural Commission and its staff. Then we will come back to your conversation with mr. How to improve these . The Cultural Commission is one of the special commissions of the parliament, which does special work in the field of culture and art, guidance, radio and television advertising, and mass communication, physical education, family atmosphere. Some of the tasks of the Cultural Commission are to review the allocation of funds for the countrys cultural sector, the allocation of funds to the sports sector , the performance of trust in the ministers of culture, the market of the countrys cultural institutions, and the review and approval of plans and bills related to youth affairs. Ministries of culture and islamic guidance, sports and youth, Cultural Heritage and tourism. And culture and communication organizations islamic, broadcasting, hajj and ziarat, endowment and Charity Affairs are among the ministry of home affairs and organizations that are in direct contact with the Cultural Commission. In the past year, reports on the performance of the executive bodies on how to implement the Family Protection law, the review of the bodies on the implementation of the laws related to afaf and hijab, the review of the right to televise sports matches, and the discussion and review on the holding of the chariot walk. This has been one of the most important regulatory measures of the Cultural Commission. In the past year, the members of the Cultural Commission have passed seven plans and bills, 18 regulatory measures, 6 meetings with ministers, 71 questions from ministers of the government and two investigations were completed. This commission has made several monitoring trips to the provinces of golestan, hormozgan, Khorasan Razavi and sistan and baluchistan to solve problems in the cultural and sports fields. Fatemeh aliani, radio journalist, well, there was a report that you want to add something to the last Cultural Commission. You were good at this report. You had 234 in your commission. Go ahead and dont wait until all the representatives see that they will organize a special commission for him. One of them is discussion the young population was the marriage education population, which, alhamdulillah, was finished. The Guardian Council was also seen and notified two years ago, and its work has progressed , it has been somewhat successful , although it has some weaknesses. The work of the commission is done and these are waiting for special work, but for the opportunity , how long will it be, it will be five years , like 85, and that 85 is the issue of hijab modesty. Thanks for the cultural issues, we cooperated a lot with the friends of the commission the judicial and Legal Affairs of the parliament, he has now gone to the Guardian Council , and he will probably be part of the plans of those dear ones for the next few weeks. God willing, he will also come to the parliament before the 7th plan, because he will come and go, and he will order reforms, and when he comes, he will be reformed. It is possible and they will vote, god willing, and it will come back, the work will be finished. 20 i mentioned that you directly went to the judiciary , you also had appeals in the commission. You said that the issue of population is a serious issue and should not be discussed too much if we fall into the population gap, it will be difficult and of course we are not in a good situation, but since this law was approved, education has been given because of the 92 articles related to population and marriage education, which has been able to move some work forward, alhamdulillah , almost every week, of course. Except now that the seventh program has come, the parliament has three shifts , almost, of course, two shifts are certain, one shift at night, they have to go to the consolidation commission, and because they have many references to consolidation. And the ambiguities and these things have come back twice , so the situation is that we cannot arrange a commission. The commissions are almost closed in the parliament. Because the 7th plan will be organized, god willing, it will come and the work will go forward, but in order to monitor the bodies that are related to the same issue, the committee will invite the committee from time to time to see where the work is stuck, for example, banks , for example, housing, because we need land. He should give banking facilities to the youths, these are the ones that have come in the past, so that, god willing, the work can move forward , and we can help the government as much as we can. In this regard, we stood up for better work. In your collection, your assessment is that this law has been well implemented in a general view. I can give you some small statistics. It seems to me that more than 20,000 people have received land, and 20 meters will be given to the children of the third and above children. This 30,000 is a good number, 200,000 cars have been received, it is much higher than this. In that comparison , it is nothing at all, but finally, something is starting, and it was expected that it would go better in these two years , of course, the government agrees very much. We dont have a problem with the process, but for example , we need to take out a loan when we arrive the money should go to the education body, for example, the internal regulations that were necessary to be written so that, for example, in a university where you and i both have doctorates , we want to be registered as a faculty member. Should education or scientific education be given or these things . I just happened to ask the chairman of the Congregation Committee today. To say that everything is ready has gone so far, but we dont have much time, because in five years, i dont think there is much time to discuss what is being discussed. Considering that because now i will give an example from the level of the nazl, the instruments were eaten, then , for example, they gave themselves up without any compromise, but it did not fall as expected. We were saying that the parliament will be much more serious in terms of monitoring, but now that i feel that you say that it has started and now it is working, it means that if your assessment is almost positive, then we should not have too much time in monitoring, otherwise we take the opinions seriously with those who we must be , we are far away, i accept this, but it is what it is it is almost as if some of our friends are responsible and see this as a privilege and such. While the crisis really needs to be seen this way, thats why we held many meetings and let the work progress, but no, its not like you want to look at everything right now, for example , you can say which devices are performing well or which devices are weak. Take, for example, we have much more guidance and expectations from him, in this regard , there is no news at all about advertisements and such, while he should have and enter , i do not see that situation at all in the radio for example, the advertisements that are in the news sections and this really call for destmrizad, we see this almost always in the haral where one goes to see that it is good to discuss and start this or that, or the banks, for example , we do not have a problem with some officials coming up, but the managers still come down. It seems that some people dont believe it. In the cities, when we pass by and we see that people are having problems, they say that they dont give, they delay. For example, i was talking to some friends about this last week. Nahshun was very satisfied. It is clear that to a certain extent, some banks may act according to their taste, or for example, the manager may apply his own opinion , this is a mistake. In terms of legislation, this has not affected the weakness of the legislator in the definition of executive guarantees, that is, it should be defined legally that if someone believes in his executive options, it is good, but it has not been implemented yet, so that the guarantee that must be implemented should no longer be an operational guarantee , that is, we did not have a guarantee, that is, you. You can see due to the weakness of the legislation, that s why we left it temporary for the time being, we said four or five years ok, why, so that the test can show its weaknesses and strengths , and then apply the socalled law, if there is a need to increase or decrease something , we will do this. In general, the good thing is that this 85 is temporary, it is now 7 years old , in my opinion, for example, 2 years have passed, not these two years. I dont know about this, because i asked mr. Banki, who is in charge of his committee, and he said that the regulations i wrote, everyone said that all the devices wrote the request, its very good that no one but i dont know or now, yes, the law is working, unfortunately, this is the weak point in your collection. Mr. Agha tehrani , i believe very much, those who really have our population, we are losing our population, and they still do not fit in my people. Yes , you are my people. There is a difficulty , but is it against the future of our population . The population will be young and we will have an old population, and god forbid, we will forget many things. I dont think everyone should think like this. It is true that the law does not create the law. The law creates this discourse and these beliefs. You cant do this with law and culture, but the law is effective. I have seen some people say that culture cannot be done with law. This is pointless. No, if that is the case, then you dont need a Cultural Commission at all, or the one that is, it is, and if it was like that, the prophet of god they dont bring orders and decrees, why do they bring these decrees . I want to say that it was a partnership with the whole society. If our society becomes a western society, it will be attacked by the west and it wants to think like them. You have worked a bit , sir. You can see where those who think like this have reached the westerners who, for example, have children there now. Its almost not like this, they dont take it seriously and they dont believe that there is no marriage at all or divorce is high , what is their situation . We come back to the fact that when he comes, he should be in the hall of the parliament friends, if they dont believe in this importance, it will be a problem. You said that they didnt do much. How much did you follow up on their budget and this is what they like most. It means that the culture in general has a weak budget. Seventh, one of the things that we did as friends, almost my committee and i put a commission of 3 people from good friends. For the committee of the socalled seventh plan, it might be possible to work well. I would like to claim that according to the opinion of the chairman of the Integration Commission and other friends , our friends work more and stand firm than many other commissions. That now they stand and write and come out of the assembly to vote in the courtroom, this is a bit more strict, you know, the implementation of the law has been serious. Do it, i think it will come to fruition, and separating from these now has a problem in the allocation. They find that they cannot use it properly. Next even now, after 6 months, there is still no news. I plan to sit down with my friends, god willing, and tell them that we should take it a little more seriously. Okay, so actually, a lot , but we have to start. Everyone has to start. The fact is that i am not disappointed like you, no, i am not disappointed. But i see, for example, a law that was approved two years ago, then last year it was not given a good allocation, and then, for example, you say that irshad did not do anything special or, for example, something did not happen, in the end, one is not disappointed, but now you want to do something, mr. Something responsible. Tell the committee to come. Its nice to come here, but you do you still think the same way, no . Well, we have this crisis all the time. After all, it is a serious issue. He said a beautiful thing. He said that i have nothing to do with the system, even the government and sovereignty. Whatever government is established in iran, this issue is not a problem at all. It is a completely National Debate that the universal law of the population, due to the lack of allocation, they are also herdsmen. Yes, it means that we refer to those who do not give money. Of course, this is also true. Not everything is about money, brother. It means that you give money to anyone who has money, and it works well. He makes money from it. Sometimes we have to practice really not having for example, sometimes even the government gives bills or programs that it gives. I expect that the minister himself will come to work first, so that he comes firmly from there. Hey, its a bit different, you shouldnt give us this look. We have to get to a place where everyone thinks yes, there should be a government, there should be a parliament, and the people should be too. If we all think like this and come together to do something, we will definitely reach a result, but one or two statements, one will come, one will not come, well, definitely some it will be more difficult now, we have challenges that we are in the implementation, well, a part of it goes back to the government in time, and a part of it goes back to the parliament, which , for example, monitoring, perhaps, did not diligently follow up. You can clearly see the role of the parliament in the weakness of the implementation. I understand that we should have stood up to this because we had a hard time , we had a lot to prevent this. When it was left, they were very strict, so no, well , for example, we were able to have a serious discussion with all these words. Lets start so that we can bring this discussion to a place. They say that it should be difficult for the fetus, no , they have other things. We start getting married, so why do we do this, for example, or just the standards we have with foreign standards. It is completely different. There are many people who, for example, fear these things in their hearts because of couples who want to have children, which is not true later. We should go in this direction at all or we should not go, how much, how, well, some assembly of the majlis here, from zero, we stood and worked with our friends , it is the end, of course, these 92 articles that came and were written , we want to follow a task that, god willing, everyone will agree. Let the law be finished, according to your own words , not everything will be finished, but one part has been done, if we say that there are three parts to work, it is a contribution from the people, a contribution from the legislative assembly, and a part from the government. I think that what the parliament should do, we have achieved it. To conclude that the government was weak in its implementation, we will take back the parliament that supervises the supervision of the parliament thats why we should not monitor it. For example, in the past, some laws, such as the marriage education law, were written for 20 years and were dormant. Now, we came and brought them and revived them in this law. How far have we gone, where is it attached, why is it attached , this work is almost done, but it should be more, the Cultural Commission, we are not many, if we had a larger population, the division of work would be the best, yes , it is, but the friends who are there are those who are good. The mouths of some of them are really much more they are trying themselves. I suggest, god willing, for the coming years when the commission will be organized, some people will really express themselves with the intention of coming and shaking the culture. Cultural transformation is not an easy task, it takes ones own life and

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