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We have implemented almost all of this land use, it is known where, what type of use and with what dimensions it can be used, and finally of course, we should have been able to do this, we reached it in order to supply it, and we went ahead with all the devices, which means that we invited the device. According to the same document, the plan was prepared earlier and this new view that exists now , today 1300 tons of nonconsumable contraband goods were burned in tehran and other provinces. On the sidelines of this ceremony in tehran, the chief Police Commander of the country said soon , people will systematically report to inform the police about the place. A warehouse or sale of contraband will be set up. 800 smuggled goods with a value of 500 billion tomans were set on fire at the same time as tehran in other provinces, 500 tons of all kinds of smuggled goods were destroyed. Qashaghchiyan formed and value and. In fact, the extent of this is that it has returned to the treasury of the mature government , and this is something that has been confirmed by the formation of a joint headquarters between faraja and the antitrafficking headquarters of the presidency, a new program in line with the fight against this has been formed. The issue of dealing with smuggling, god willing , will continue from outside the borders, and this confrontation will increase exponentially at the borders and up to the domestic arena. The countrys police chief also announced the launch of a system to receive public reports on the sale or storage of contraband goods. We promised the people that 402 would be a difficult year for smugglers. Both in the sea and on the ground. Therefore, all my colleagues in the border guard. The military asked the Economic Security police to work hard to make this happen and make the people happy. Sedavasima has discovered two big gangs of Drug Trafficking in the oman sea. Border guard commander faraja said about the operation of the Border Guards of sistan and baluchistan in the blue borders of the oman sea the Border Guards of the chabahar naval base in the last 24 hours and with intelligence work in the oman sea managed to seize 6 tons of narcotics. Of hashish, heroin and opium, along with 21 weapons , 2,100 cartridges and 42 magazine blades , were seized from the smugglers. News at 18 00 after maghrib call to prayer the horizon of tehran offers you a prayer request in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, the light, the light , the light, the light, the light, in the name of god, the light. Allah is great, god is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. There is no god but god. There is no god but god. I bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. I bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. I bear witness that alia is the messenger of god. I am a witness that alia is the messenger of god. Hai ali alfalah, hi ali alfalah , hi ali khair alamal. Hai ali khair alamal Allah Akbar Allah akbar there is no god but god there is no god but god. With the wish to accept your obedience and worship, we will proceed with the news of the second step celebration. The revolution was held in mashhad with the presence of more than 4 thousand female students. This ceremony was held on the occasion of the birth of the holy prophet, peace be upon him, and Imam Jafar Sadiq , peace be upon him, and the services of a number of top girls in the fields of science, culture, sports, koran and entrepreneurship were appreciated. The singing of the song man dokhtar iranam was one of the other programs of this ceremony. World world this is the lions voice of zealous girls. World. This is the voice of the children of the land of light. They are trying to say that hamas is the only one except the mother and the father. I am an iranian. The jamaat is a loser. It is never possible for me to lose to the world. I am a girl. I am iran, i am the daughter of iran, i am with the original , the First National bread festival will be held in kerman from tomorrow to october 14. This festival aims to introduce wholemeal bread as a model of health and to introduce iranian bread and consumption culture at the National Level and with the presence of more than 300 social activists, producers and researchers in the field of wholemeal bread from 21 professors. The country is held. The Photo Exhibition of the epic camera was opened at the newspaper gallery of the institute of information. This exhibition is a selection of photos taken by the photographers of this newspaper during the holy defense. Here for 288 days , i. E. 8 years of defense. Which has been photographed, but there is room for showing all of them in this view is not a household. We have several million photo frames there and all of them are scanned and are in our storage close by. We selected 560 photos, due to the small space we had , we managed to display only 60 of his photos, which were preserved in history in a newspaper. Information newspaper can immerse itself in the atmosphere of sacred defense once again and take out the doors and holes from inside and give it as a gift to the new generation who may be far from what has passed. In this combination of art and media, news photographers did something that could continue for years be effective in those days, the epic camera was in the hands of photographers who recorded the events of the war, although some of them are no more. There are 8 photographers whose pictures are available in this exhibition. One of them, mr. Kashian, may god bless him. We transferred the war between the society with the photos and the news that were published because anyone had not seen a weapon until then, or maybe he had not seen a martyr, but according to my activity and my colleagues in ya and other newspapers. Other news and reports were exactly transferred to the community section, congratulations to them again, for their honor lets shake hands. Now, in response to accepting the risk in those hot days, their efforts to capture the photos were appreciated. I think the photo is the best war birth certificate , because it is a document that has no doubt in its authenticity. Durbin hamasehs Photo Exhibition will be open to the public for 7 days from 10 00 am to 4 00 pm in the gallery of the information newspaper. Samira jalilian, sedav sima news reporter. The animation of the 10th anniversary made it to the iranian cinema competition section of the 40th Tehran International short film festival. An 18minute animation of 10 years old, directed by Fatemeh Jafari and produced by amur cinema a center for intellectual development of children and teenagers has been built. This animation is about a boy who lives with his father in the forest until one day when the father traps a wild duck for the boy to get him out of loneliness. The presence of the hen in the cage next to the boy and their daily life together changes the boys view of the world around him. The 10year animation has recently won the third prize of the 11th International Gold coin animation of constantine of serbia. Thank you for your attention. Getting ready to go to the fields just in the days when men were getting ready to go to the battlefield. Here at beside the busses of my members and the convoy of roses, there were mothers and wives whose job was to give strength to their hearts. After this farewell, many of these mothers and wives did not return home. They became warriors behind the front and joined the support bases from the war. It was here before the revolution. It was a house and when the headquarters was supported at the same time as the war started , it was still known as the ahvaz tea house. It was putin to the packing of the materials needed for the wardrobes and to these clothes, which is a common memory for many of them from washing them. A new engagement was held in the hands of the fighters. The tea house had both a commander and the armed forces. Mrs. Mohedi, who was the commander of the teahouse for 8 years, was named air force , navy, ground force, and air force. Her job was to spread these clothes on the roof. His ground force was a sewing room, but his naval force was a room washed. There were clothes, mrs. Siddiqa, a member of the navy, chaishaneh, sometimes during the nights of the operation, when the children did not sleep at all, they were working until the morning, they were completely covered in blood. They heard the news of the martyrdom of their wives and children here. She said, well, to end my sons life, others will do it, but here. There was no one there, and they were subjected to chemicals by washing the clothes of the soldiers. Hey, my body is burning and everything gets sore and oozes out , and they told me to chemically take me to a nearby army hospital. May god have mercy on mrs. Pazaki. It was love. Hussain us to this wadi keshane, with all these damages and injuries, the light of the ahvaz tea house remained lit during the 8 years of imposed war, and you recorded Untold Stories about the impact of women in the holy defense. Pistachio harvest has been started in Razavi Khorasan for some time. We have almost started our work for a month. Five to five and a half jobs are more resistant. They need the least amount of water compared to other trees. Although it is still harvested traditionally in many cities. But the farmers say they are satisfied with their suffering. Alhamdulillah, my work year has been very good. A living allowance. As the largest city of baghi and qutb pistachio. Khorasan razavi has taken the second place in the country by harvesting more than 120 thousand tons of pistachios. The average production of dry pistachios in the country is 600 to 700 kilograms and we can have up to 1,500 and 1,600 tons of pistachios in this city. For this purpose , the Second National pistachio festival aims to introduce the capabilities of tafavat city to contribute to the quality and quantity of pistachio production and the prosperity of the industry related to this product. It was held that all the platforms are ready for any of the dignitaries who want to invest in this area of ​​the company for example, we have taken measures in the field of agricultural settlement and pistachio settlement, we have obtained permits , god willing, soon, with the help of these dignitaries and benefactors in the city , we will definitely make great events in the field of industry and transformation and completion of a festival with the presence of 600 pistachios. The country has increased the level of skill of our cultivation. We want him to provide me with the necessary facilities. What are the facilities . Burqa water has been tested by the workforce. This is a definite problem. The use of new and Renewable Energies was news in agriculture, which was emphasized by the deputy minister of horticulture, jad, of agriculture. We we are always following this issue as a serious demand. Now, considering the Economic Conditions of the government and the situation in the countrys budgeting systems, we are hopeful. God willing, the ministry of energy can provide these necessary platforms. On the sidelines of this festival, an exhibition focusing on agricultural, horticultural and handicraft institutions was held. According to the statistics, irans paseai is exported to 20 countries in the world. A product that annually brings more than one billion dollars in sales for the country. Mehdi rahnama, broadcasting reporter, tafavat city. Simultaneously with the World Tourism Day and with the cancellation of twoway visas russia, the first group of tourists from this country entered iran. I came from a Russian Airline company and i want to write about irans safety and Tourist Attractions in aviation magazines. As a tour guide , i came to iran to know more and i want to establish special tours among iranians and recommendations. The efforts of the parties to apply the mechanism are widespread and we hope that this mechanism will play an Important Role in improving the tourism relations between the two countries. Iran has special tourism capacities. While many countries in the region and the world are not able to compete with these capacities. With the priority of neighboring countries. We are looking to cancel the visas of the five countries that we specified. Follow up. The visa cancellation pension we had is working. More than 10 countries are currently canceling visas, some of them unilaterally, such as azerbaijan, china, and some of them bilaterally, such as turkey. In april this year, with the cancellation of oneway visas, the first group of Chinese Tourists came to iran. I am glad that the tourists chinese who are interested in irans history can go to iran without a visa, even before the corona virus , the Chinese Embassy issued 80,000 visas for tourists every year. Iran was exporting. These days we are ready to provide more facilities to iranians. Canceling iranian visas is an effective measure for us chinese tour operators. In the announcement of the general policies of the 7th plan, in paragraph 22 , the strengthening of the economyoriented approach in Foreign Policy and regional and global relations and the strengthening of economic ties with the priority of neighbors are mentioned. Our policy is to strengthen tourism between neighboring countries. We are focusing on this. According to Tourism Industry experts, canceling visas is one of the ways to develop foreign tourism. Also, this is an emphasis on the existence of security and stability in our iran. Nasreen bekpour, sed and radio reporter. Chaabahar, a strategic region in the south of sistan baluchistan. The development of this region has been and is on the agenda of all governments. After the revolution, a lot of work has been done in si and baluchistan province, but it is far from what needs to be done. When we look at the map, it is quite clear that more work needs to be done in this region than in other places, and this is only part of tabahar governments plans. Kishores ocean port with two wellequipped wharves with a capacity of 8. 5 million tons of goods per year has a very big position for us, which is one of the 14 ports outside the strait of hormuz. It is the megaport of the world, the local Officials Say that this port capacity has made it necessary to connect the railway line to this area. On average, approximately 7,000 trucks are needed per day to transport the goods that are violated in Chabahar Port to their destinations. Well, there are a series of restrictions and we have problems regarding the Land Transport fleet. Our expectation is that the rail will be connected to chaubahar port as soon as possible. The connection of the railway to this area was recently emphasized by the leader of the revolution in his meeting with the people of sistan baluchistan. This railway issue is very important. This is that the north and southeast of the country with the railway line it is very important to be connected, it is important for the province , it is important for the provinces in between and it is important for the main part of the country. Currently, the 68 kilometer bol railway from shabarhar to zahidan is under construction. A line that has been partially exploited. This year, the 155kilometer long route from zahedan to khash, which is now in operation, now has a suburban train from khash to zahedan and vice versa every day. Most of the work has been done in terms of foundation. The main work that remains is the construction of the works, which are planned with the provisions of financial opinion, god willing. Next year, in the 13th government , efforts will be made to implement this complete plan. The completion of this railway line will speed up the passage of goods from the north to the south corridor. From cs countries to india and vice versa, the volume is acceptable, about 20 million tons of cargo each year, which can be moved with cargo, which with the launch of this corridor and considering the very special conditions of Chabahar Port. So that we can enter a part of these numbers and figures that i mentioned lets make this axis the arrival of the railway to chabahar and its connection to Shahid Beheshti port. In this region , i will connect central asia and afghanistan to the open waters of the ocean. Many countries in south asia and central asia are pursuing the use of this corridor as the closest the way to transport goods is from asia to southeast asia. The arrival of the railway line to chabahar can make the tourism capacity of this region more active than before. In addition to the facilities that chabahar has for transporting goods between Different Countries or even between different continents, socalled fulfill this role in terms of geographical location it is a special position in the country , it helps to create a suitable transportation that tourists can easily access. Right now, finally, traveling to chaab port has its own difficulty. And if it is used, the connection of Chabahar Port to the railway will create a capacity of 7 million tons and two million passengers per year and generate 300 billion tomans of income for the country every year, mr. Khabarari of sedavasima is satisfied. Front page meeting, many people talked about the people, but they were not with the people, front page meeting for justice get up with your own reports that the balinese train has been grounded, there are functions and estimates every moment of threats in the area of ​​plans, strategies and previous horizons of the free zone, bill of lading, questions from us, answers from the first page, and evaluation and judgment with you. The first row every night at 1930 minutes of khabar network. Each macaron , each macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron , macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron, macaron. I saw that very upset he said that i have a young man who doesnt let deaf people work anywhere. I said that you should not be upset. Tomorrow we will bring your children to my factory. I will leave them in the factory. Great work with its memories. The desert is beautiful with twenty months of blindness. The engine is in full motion. The energy of the cattle drives the state of the farmers when they start. What support does the farmer have . Have you seen these originals . They are all originals. You know, you can buy them very easily. Yes, look at the quality of the picture. In general, with my dear friend, we went everywhere , we paid prices, then we came here, thanks to mr. Jangli , what are you doing here . Where should i do, what should i do . I come here, i have no information god, i will teach them, it was not a reason, it was not a reason, it was not a reason, you must have realized that here everyone knows to go everywhere, see them, hit them and then come here. The specialized reference for Household Appliances in the city of Household Appliances. Search and find the one you want. In the name of allah. Hello and good night to you , dear viewers of the khabar network. Stay with the economy and market news. The president appointed a working group to investigate the centralization of the government and how to transfer some necessary powers to the governors. Mr. Raisi continued the monthly meetings with the governors of structural problems in the executive system and excessive concentration of authority he called the capital a big obstacle to solve the problems of the provinces and said one of the priorities of the government is gone

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