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And the beginning of the shrimp season in Hormozgan Province , about 2,500 fishermen with 170 fishing boats have started catching shrimp. The end of us accompany the second day of the 37th islamic unity conference will be held today in the Conference Hall of the radio and television. This conference started yesterday. If he was the prophet of life , what positions would he hold in the islamic world today . Lets ask the position of the messenger of god, o messenger of god, we as your children , who should we defend from all countries and who should we stand against . The summit hall with the presence of the president and the reading of the ayatollahs message Makarem Shirazi started by inviting 130 grand muftis, important scholars and religious leaders from all over the islamic world to host this conference along with 10 of our own sunni and shia scholars who lived in ethnic provinces. Also, with our youthful approach, we were successful in having this conference together with the political, religious, religious and cultural elites with the youth. The guests, whether shia or sunni, all expressed unity and warned about the enemies tricks for division. Enemies are looking for our weaknesses. We must try fix the weaknesses. And the only thing that can overcome our weaknesses today is unity. Half of my tribe is sunni and the other half is shia. But there are differences between them. It doesnt exist, but the enemies want to exploit these issues and separate brother from brother and families. In this way, they used the property of intellectual differences and their mercenaries. God , we have resisted and worked to reduce the gap between religions. They think that now moral and human values ​​are being challenged and the enemies have entered with all their strength in this field, ways must be created to in islamic countries, to face these challenges, we have moral values ​​and at the same table , shia and sunni, we all sit together, we think , we break the fast and help the poor. When others see this approach, they no longer ask you. Are you shia or sunni, they only say that you are a muslim, and i advise all shia and sunni brothers to not Pay Attention to the words of the enemies, to know the enemy, and to maintain unity and solidarity according to the commandments of the quran, so that the enemies are disappointed, offer prayers vahdat unveiling 15 books and setting up an exhibition among other programs it was the 37th meeting of the unity of islamic countries. The 37th islamic unity conference on the 10th of mehr will end its work with the meeting of the guests of this conference with the Supreme Leader of the islamic revolution. The proposal of the president to solve the financial problems of production mr. Raisi called the growth of production as the most Important Program of the government and, referring to the importance of the issue of financing production, he suggested that a meeting consisting of economic members of the government and under the management of the first Vice President be held and the solutions to be used of all the available facilities and financial capacities of the country to solve the financial problems of producers should be presented. The president also called it a necessity to deal with the administrative bureaucracy and the slowness of serving the Production Units in the offices. Really, these Production Units, which we call umm salal, the year of our production growth, if we untie these nodes from their hands , they will progress by themselves, that is, we will remove the obstacles to production, they will do their own work , they have the same motivation and the same idea. They know the way , they will move forward, we just have to see what should be done, what should be done, apart from the bank, the sectors that should be licensed , how should they be licensed, mr. Raisi, with gratitude to the Good Management of the ministry of energy, in order to create a summer without blackouts for the people, promised that with the implementation of a plan in the near future, the production and distribution of electricity will be in a situation where neither the production will be interrupted, nor will we face a shortage of electricity for domestic use. In this meeting, the ministers of roads, roads and city inspection and the executive and scientific Vice President s also reported on the actions taken last week. They presented, from the allocation of land for the construction of a new stadium in tehran to the latest news about the import of cars, the completion of mehr housing and the countrys scientific achievements were the main focus of these reports. Foreign car until today, 1500 devices have been delivered to the people, and from next month, 10,000 will be delivered to 60,000 by the end of the year. Mr. President , we have the remaining 10,000 units of mahr housing in the campus and delivered to the applicant. By the end of the year, there are 10,000 more units in pardis. Pardis was one of our critical points in the field of mehr housing. Alhamdulillah , we finally have 4,000 units in parand. God willing, parands case will be closed. Iran ranks 43rd in the world. From in terms of innovative outputs, tehran became the 34th best science and Technology City in the world among all the cities in the world, congratulations must be said to everyone , including the honorable mayor of tehran, and a good news that the drug ibrutinib, which is an effective drug for the treatment of leukemia, is available in the country. Its raw material has been produced , it will cost 10 Million Dollars and will be supplied with a tenth of foreign samples, god willing. And it will be used by the executive Vice President of securing land for the construction of a new stadium in the capital khabar , according to mr. Mansouri, about 300 hectares of land near Imam Khomeinis shrine for the construction of a new stadium. Has been finalized. On 20 shahrivar, the president had ordered a dignified National Stadium in tehran during the ceremony to honor sports heroes and figures. For a dignified stadium in the dignity of National Champions and to be able to host foreign guests, a stadium like this should be formed in tehran. I completely agree with the completely comprehensive stadium. Sports and the youth of ralph kord are seriously pursuing this matter , of course, it is a difficult task for us and it will take a long time to fulfill this request. The Sports Community has received from different governments in the past years and was answered by mr. President. Now, less than a month has passed since the order of the president that the first meeting of this Sports Complex was held with the presence of the executive Vice President , minister of sports and. The youths and the deputy mayor of tehran were held in kausar president ial building and at the end of this meeting, mr. Mansouri informed about the provision of land for this Sports Complex. A land of about 300 hectares in the vicinity of imams shrine is a location that has very good access, infrastructure facilities are almost complete, there are almost no problems in terms of ownership. There is no free access, there is a perfect way to hazrat imam airport for foreign guests and athletes, which has good access. We have finalized this land for now. The construction time depends on the type of design. We have yet to complete the design. Until the design is finalized , we cannot give an Accurate Construction cost estimate. The minister of sports and youth considered the chosen field suitable for the construction of this Sports Complex and said considering the population of tehran and the need to increase the sports per capita. It is necessary to build a stadium. Tehran is one of the few cities in the country that has a low per capita population has well, another series is being added to tehrans sports collection. Diabetes and Blood Pressure will come into effect in the next few days , the deputy minister of health announced this news and said that more than 15,000 people in the country die every year due to heart and stroke related diseases. This sound of life spits about 100,000 times every day, and it is equivalent to going around the earth two and a half times. It must be able to direct the blood forward through the veins , a flow that disrupts the sound if the pressure inside the veins rises and falls. Blood may not have any symptoms, but you are involved like this man, 170 is dangerous. Yes, why is there no special discomfort . In that case , if you are under work stress and nervous pressure , you should still worry about your Blood Pressure. Like this woman , my Blood Pressure was 14. Well, 14 is high. It is true. Yes, it is high. What was the reason for it being high . I actually had a lot of work today. Now, on the occasion of world heart day and heart diseases, we went to the ministry of health to inquire about the latest statistics of people with high Blood Pressure. Hypertension in iran over the age of 18 is between 23 and 24 percent over the age of 18. Anything older than 30 years old, 311 over 60 years old, unfortunately, 6060 people have high Blood Pressure. Of course, this meeting also had news. When you enter the national Blood Pressure, it is clear that the person who took his Blood Pressure last week is recorded there. This is what they take and import. It means that the data is collected, aiti ma can say daily how many people with high Blood Pressure will go to the Health Center that was prepared in the Family Health program, and he will follow it up. There are solutions to prevent high Blood Pressure. Having a proper diet has a great impact on the diseases that you may face in the future. According to experts, doing Blood Pressure test and blood sugar test periodically and every 6 months is a fertility test. Hosseini bai khabari sedavasima. Good morning, dear and respected compatriots, we have arrived at 84 00 and we have checked the weather condition of the country with the presence of an expert from the Meteorological Organization , mr. Zarabi. Today, mr. Zarabi is with us. Hello and dear viewers of khansan, i would like to inform you that today, according to the leading models in the northern parts of West Azerbaijan and the eastern parts of ardabil province in the northwest of the country, it will be central for the west of the country in kurdistan and kermanshah in the zagros. He pointed to the northern half of lorestan province, the northwestern parts of isfahan province, in central alborz, for the heights of ezvin and alborz provinces , the conditions are ready for scattered showers. However, in the caspian coastal provinces from wednesday onwards, the rains will intensify with the northward direction of the air currents, that is, large areas of gilan , mazandaran, golestan provinces will have rains gradually , for thursday, these rains will be visible in the northeast of the country , visible from semnan khorasan province. The north will also be affected by this rain, in addition to the fact that we also have rain in central habarz , with the passing of a wave that will be passing from the afternoon. Today, from the northwestern parts of our country, conditions are fully prepared for increasing the speed of the wind, and it will be felt tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In the northwest and west of our country, dear compatriots, it will feel completely, and even parts of the southern regions of tehran province include the central parts of the country. Also, for these two or three days, the northwest winds will continue to blow in the southwest of our country, in khuzestan, bushehr provinces. We are ahead, the northern parts of the persian gulf will be turbulent, and in the coastal part of khuzestan provinces, expect turbulent and turbulent gulf of far. Some today and tomorrow , the temperature increase will be felt in the southern slopes of alabarz, with the arrival of the new system from on wednesday, we will again see a decrease in temperature we have the northern and northwestern parts of the country ahead of us, and we expect the temperature of the capital to be the temperature of the capital today. Now it will reach 27 degrees with an increase compared to yesterday. Thank you very much. Two people were killed from damascus rif near the border of lebanon. It is said that the positions of the 4th division of the syrian army were targeted in this attack. The Syrian Government is trying to complete the road map for the reconstruction of this country. According to International Institutions , the devastating war against syria has caused about 900 billion dollars to the economy of this country has done. The global proxy war of terrorist groups in syria has caused extensive losses to the countrys economy and infrastructure. Statistics show the destruction of 30 of infrastructure facilities and 70 of the network. The face of this country has a story. Also , 30 of houses have been completely or partially destroyed, and one out of every three School Buildings is unusable. Billion dollar settlement. In this war , the Syrian Government lost half of its Gross National income, which was over 70 billion dollars a year, and the latest estimates show that it will cost 900 billion dollars to rebuild the ruins of the war. In this conditions. The Syrian Government has been holding exhibitions in various fields for several years to complete the road map of Economic Development and reconstruction of this country. The syrian reconstruction exhibition in its eighth edition is one of these exhibitions. In the Current Situation and the continuation of the cruel economic sanctions of the west, we want to cooperate with friendly countries. The countries that were by our side in the field during the war and in terms of. But this year, the Syrian Government , in a Practical Initiative , demonstrated the construction and Economic Development needs of this country in various sectors through domestic institutions and companies. There are opportunities for investment in syria. We are also in charge of supporting Foreign Companies and businessmen to provide enough for their activities in syria. My message to economic activists in our friend and brother iran is not to worry about Economic Activity in syria. We will accompany them until their ideas are fruitful. Western sanctions may have made it seem difficult to get the key to syrias construction program, but Economic Experts see this challenge as an opportunity for friendly countries. Osama helali, sada reporter and hundreds of people in niamey, the capital of niger they celebrated the departure of the french ambassador from this country. With the departure of the french ambassador from niger, about a thousand people gathered near the French Military base near niamey and celebrated. The rallyists emphasized until the time. The withdrawal of the last french troops from niger will continue to be in the streets. Nigerian demonstrators say that the departure of the french ambassador is the beginning of our victories. They called on all citizens of niger to continue to stand up for the withdrawal of the last French Military from the country. The head of nigers military council said that france promotes expansion instead of fighting terrorism terrorism became a threat. In a televised interview, referring to the antifrench wave in african countries, he said a Strong Defense cooperation was formed with boudkina, faso and mali. And this cooperation will start in the near future. Criticizing the positions of ecowas of the west African Economic community, the head of nigers military council said ecowas member countries still did not understand the reason for the fall of the deposed president , mohamed bazum. 120 Elementary School children in Southwestern France were poisoned after eating school food. According to some parents, the chicken meat in that days meal was not cooked, and the children were hungry after eating it during lunch, they suffered complications such as heartburn, fever and diarrhea. In france, students meals are prepared outside of school and then brought to school and heated. The French Regional Health agency announced that food samples from saturday 3 should be tested. Some students the next day to school. They didnt go dozens of people were trapped under the rubble due to the collapse of the Church Screen in mexico. According to the police, the roof of the church was made of weak concrete. It is said that there were about 100 people in the church. The cause of the accident is still unknown. A fire in a night club in spain left 13 dead. Spanish authorities announced that rescuers are still searching for missing people in the fire and the death toll is likely to rise. The fire broke out at 6 a. M. Yesterday local time. No news has been released about the cause of the fire. The flood left 9 people dead in the northern and Central Regions of vietnam. Due to rain and flooding in these areas, one person also disappeared and 10 people were injured. Flooded houses. Fish farms have damaged rice fields and other crops of farmers and destroyed livestock. According to the announcement of the General Statistics Office of vietnam in the first 9 months of this year so far due to the natural disaster, 98 people were killed or disappeared and 13 people were injured. The beginning of shrimp breeding in Hormozgan Province, the general director of fisheries of Hormozgan Province said that about 170 fishing barges and about 250 boats are participating in this years shrimp breeding season. Seagulls are also waiting. Like these fishermen who fell in love with the sea early on. With the beginning of the 30th season, 2,500 hormozkan seafarers with 170 barges and boats have started seafaring shrimp. In umm salal, about 105 tons of shrimp will be seeded with permission , of which 600 are large shrimp and 450 tons are small shrimp. We will be twice as much as a mobile fisherman. The first tower that was pulled out of the water from sidgagh bandas was fruitful. O allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad. Mick muzieh yayan sardi, this is tastier than all big mig. How was the first tour you took . It was good , thank god, it was great. Umm salal is also good saad. God willing, how much did you say . 15 kilos of waters of the persian gulf and the oman sea in the area of ​​khormozan are home to five species of native shrimps, white indian banana, green tiger shrimp, sarteez and gentek shrimp. The time of the end of shrimp seeding, after the approval of the seeding committee, to the knowledge of fishermen and fisheries operators the province arrives. Every year , it starts from the waters of serik city and ends at tulai qeshm. In the name of god, hello, good morning. First, lets review the results of our countrys convoy on the ninth day of the asian games in hangzhou, which started with winning two bronze medals and registering two more medals for our countrys convoy. Balshormuns National Volleyball team did not get behind its opponent in its second meeting in the olympic qualifiers. Attais students lost 3 points in their first game tomorrow against qatar, mirnia, brazil, cuba and the czech republic. Other rivals of iran are in group 1. Two teams will qualify to participate in the paris Olympic Games and the asian press Champions League , police and sepahan will go to the distance of their opponents from qatar and saudi arabia. His first game against the Iraqi Air Force was a 22 draw kurds with a second point and al ittihad of saudi arabia with a 30 lead against alemannic of uzbekistan with three points, the leader of group 5, press police, from 21 minutes tonight, in the first week of may, with two goals , gave the result to al nasr of saudi arabia without a point in the fourth table and daheel of qatar. He also drew one match against esteghlal of tajikistan and with a third point , he will be eliminated from the group of four , mazandaran, starting at 19 30 minutes at azadi stadium , the host of alhilal of saudi arabia. Thank you for your attention to the news of this section. Ferdous kaviani, an experienced actor of cinema, theater and television, died. He said goodbye this artist bazabeh, who had been suffering from illness for a long time, passed away on sunday night at the age of 82 at his personal home. He has played roles in his films, the famous renters, baix segakshi, and also 70s series such as saifaran and ajans dosti. But today is monday , 10th of rabi alawwal and 2nd of october. Zuhr call to prayer in tehran is at 11. 5 minutes and maghrib call to prayer is at 185 minutes. Thank you very much for your cooperation with this news series. Good day. In the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, keep in touch with the news of the capital market, all the stock Market Indices decreased on sunday. In between the total index was at the level of 2 million 67 thousand units with a negative return of 83 percent. On this day, 451 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the market. The main stock market ended sundays trading with a negative return of 8. 6 percent and with a decrease of 177 units at the level of 2. 670 million

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