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, accompany us with the first part of the morning news series of the khabar network. Scientific research the country exchanged views with iranian elites and researchers. The fifth mustafa award with the presence of 15 scientists from the islamic world continues until 22nd of mehr in isfahan. Mustafa International Award is the most prestigious scientific award in the islamic world, which is held every two years. The purpose of holding this event is to identify and introduce the best figures of science and technology and to build a Network Among the thinkers of the islamic world. At the same time as the week of unity, the celebrations of the prophets birthday with the slogan of the prophets ummah have been held all over the country. The sunnis and shiites celebrate this ceremony together with more unity and unity. Sunni and shia, brothers and sisters, we all live together like a family, and god willing, this same life will continue in our lives, this same unity will continue in our lives. The unity that we witnessed today has not been found in 40 years, thanks to the efforts of the scholars of this province. They tried to create a reason in this regard until today we are witnessing the same conditions in this province. Alhamdulillah, we can boldly say that during these 40 years, the turkmen of the sahara and golestan province have been taken from baluch, zabourish , farish, kurdish, turkmen, and called god. Just as we support the holy defense with unity the head of the new bus system entered the Public Transportation genius of the capital. Also, with the arrival of 42 renovated wagons on the tehran metro lines, the train started to move. The 74th omid and Pride Campaign of tehran was a transportation package for the capital. 12 buses and minibuses will enter the fleet and provide service. O allah , we handed over muhammad , peace be upon him, to the people in august, and today it was unveiled. People said, this will make the distance between us less in the metro area. In the first 6 months this year, 237 buses and minibuses have been renovated , and according to the mayor of tehran, this process will continue until the end of this year. We signed a contract for 300 vehicles, of which 500 are minibuses and 200 are buses. It will be added to the capacity of the city within this year and next year, and 100 of these 3,000 electric buses will be added to our lines next month, by gods grace. All the renovated buses have environmental approvals. There are buses that are not euro 5 and most of them are for this reason, but all the new buses are added it is possible that there are all buses that pass the environment governor and general governors of the country. With the increase of renovated subway cars , the capacity of accepting passengers in the subway will also increase. In october, when we faced the reopening of schools , we almost tried to manage the traffic. In the metro area, i think it is above 10 . At least with the same number of trains that we added, we will have an increase in capacity in the area of ​​our lines , we are operating other lines, and i hope that by the end of the year, when the wagons will be gradually added, we have 29 trains in the overhaul order. We will be able to add a desirable capacity to the line, god willing. Zahra aliani, sed and sima news , in the collision of a truck carrying toxic substances with several cars in the state of illinois, five people were killed and five others were injured. Another driver drove into a Police Building in new york. The driver surrendered to the police after entering the building. According to the new jersey prosecutor, this persons action was done to harass the owner of the house. The driver is under arrest for several crimes. He is accused. The possible motive for this action has not yet been disclosed. Well, with the announcement at the end of this news section, we will return to the studio of the reporters greeting program. Greetings to you, dear and honorable compatriots who have joined us from this moment. Support for the family and the youth of the population in the meeting of the joint commission of the plan for the youth of the population and support for the family of the Islamic Council was approved on the 24th of muharram 100. A month later, mr. President promulgated this law based on article 4 of this government law. It is obligatory to give a maximum of 20 meters for the third child who was born after october 100 give free land. According to this law, 250 families with three or more children will be given these lands today in tehran province, the capital city. To find out more about the details of this issue , we are hosting mr. Moradi, the secretary of the youth staff of the ministry of roads and urban development, in the studio. Mr. Moradi, good morning. Dear viewers, i would like to congratulate you on the birthday of the prophet, peace and blessings of god be upon him. Thank you very much for accepting our invitation. First, regarding the details of todays program and this 2050, when it is supposed to be handed over to us and our dear and respected viewers. I will explain it to you. At the same time as the whole country of tehran , i participated in the campaign of the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, and in tehran province, 250 plots of land for the subjects of article 4 and four children, all these lands are free. And families with three children only pay the cost of Land Preparation after two years of rest in eightyear installments, and families with four children do not pay the cost of preparation. The point that the child you mentioned, who is exactly 8 years old, paid. Because after all, a family that has three children is very little, that is, the cost for the government to prepare it is about 20 million to 255 million tomans. After two years of breathing, this division of 80 million can be divided into 8 years. The discussion with one year is approximately 25 million. This is that these lands will be 500 in the name of the mother and 500 in the name of the father, which is very great, and that the 250 families that you have today, you are handing over the lands to them in tehran, mostly which parts of the city are these lands and the whole i would like to offer you the meterage collection of the land that you have, according to the law we cannot give land to cities with more than 500,000 people , so this indicates that we can give our land in new cities and cities with less than 500,000 people. It has been almost 6 million cubic meters until today and this plan is not finished and the loved ones who have a third child or four children under the age of 20 can use this plan permanently and let us say how much land now we definitely cant say a specific number because until the dear ones register we have an obligation, you should have handed it over. You see, the law has left its hands open in this case , but the jihadi leader who started in the ministry and the order given by the minister, by the end of umm salal , we will provide and protect 70,000 pieces of land in the whole country, god willing. If you agree, i have prepared the report with my colleagues , we will see it together with you and the dear and respected viewers , we will continue the conversation with your excellency. I thank god that god has given us 3 children. 20,000 plots of land across the country, the second round of the vagaris share in the form of the youth plan. In the past days, 500 pieces of land in semnan, 184 plots of land in isfahan and 10 plots of land in lorestan were handed over to those subject to the youth law. I have a child with epilepsy. We received 8 shouns and a piece of land from majlisi city. 54 40 land belongs to them. What is the plan for the land you received today . If we build the program, god willing , we will no longer have housing. Other provinces will hand over the lands of the people included in this plan until the era of the prophet, may gods prayers and peace be upon him. According to this law , families who have three or more children and their third childs birth date is from 24 aban 1400 onwards are eligible to receive land. If we want lets compare the different incentives that have been seen in this program and the law, the most important one is the issue of land and housing , a piece of land is given to eligible families in cities with a population of less than 500,000. In cities with more than 500,000 people, land will be handed over in shahrarg or new cities around the family residence. God willing, this plan can be implemented in the best way in all countries. In may this year, the number of families who received land was only 30 families. Since the month of june, the granting of land to families has accelerated. Their field is very good and they have good sales. Piece the land was handed over to motaghazi families in yaz. One gets a feeling of support, one feels that a support group is going to help these families. Between eid aladha and ghadir, 750 free plots of land were given to families with more than three children in different provinces. Congratulations sir. Another 20 meters of landing. Today , our land is our child. I am very happy. Lands are given for free and families only have to pay the preparation fee. Including the lands that were previously assigned to the beneficiaries, the number of land plots assigned in youth design template. The population will reach 32 thousand pieces. This will continue once every two months until the end of the year, and we will try to cover all the applicants of the jamiat youth plan who are subject to the law. Our reporters colleague mentioned it, please tell me how people can register in the threechild scheme that mr. Wazir also mentioned, which will continue as long as there is a request. You also mentioned it in your orders before the report. Their third child is born or if they have four children under 20 years old , they can enter the page of the ministry of roads and urban development from the National Window of the governments smart services. Register on the National Movement page for the threechild and fourchild sections. Yes, all the guides for the registration process have been provided there. Please tell me what obstacles are there in the way of handing over these lands. It will cost more to hand over land to those who have three or four children. He knows it and he doesnt know only about law enforcement, he sees it beyond because these lands can definitely create a suitable platform for raising children, thats why we dont try to put a problem as an obstacle. The discussion of the organizations and departments that have a vote in the annexation of lands and should help us and speed up, both in the provinces where the governors should issue these orders, and in the country , there are various organizations that provide the infrastructure and superstructure services that should be help us to reach the lands so that we can build these dear ones they should start with the same dutyoriented attitude. They dont have this dutyoriented attitude or lack it. Alhamdulillah , the government is based on this. Everyone is helping, but we, i believe that we should all help, both speed and quality. This work will go up and the families can Start Building right now as soon as they receive it. And we believe that we will have more and best cooperation for the construction permit, god willing, these things will happen , only more cooperation, the speed of action in the provinces is very important, alhamdulillah, everyone is working forward brand in the provinces, some of the provinces have a certain speed of work in the provinces, it is possible to know which provinces you can point to , which of the provinces should feel the most responsibility. They should be with you so that you can hand them over. After the end of this survey, the number of prepared lands that have been determined, those provinces that have less activity in this area will definitely be determined, and we will do it, god willing, it is not clear now. Of course, after the completion of the campaign, god willing, they will officially announce a lot. Thank you dear mr. Moradi, secretary of the youth staff of the ministry of urban roads, you are welcome to the sobgah program studio, thank you very much. Dear lord, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you, dear viewers. Good morning, god willing, wherever you are and viewers of the news network and the program. Hello, reporter from last week, ms. Hajipour. They are also following up on the details about what programs they are going to check today and what results i am going to get. Also, dear people, i am at your service. Thank you. Please tell me what is the agenda of the peoples representatives in the National House today. Yes, i would like to inform my dear viewers that this week is the second week that the parliament is reviewing the bill of the 7th plan. The program was reviewed there for about 2 months, and since last week, the bill was reviewed in its entirety , it was voted on, and its details are being reviewed. It has various materials that are checked by the members of parliament. In fact, since last week, in fact, from the beginning of the first chapter , the first chapter was related to Economic Growth, which targeted how much the Economic Growth would be in different sectors , for example, for inflation, 95 was targeted for employment. 5 of the mining sector, each of which has 88 sectors oil revenues, export revenues, growth of oil revenues, 12 of these were finally approved, targets were set and approved. In fact, the Second Chapter was about curbing inflation and reforming the banking system, which was also reviewed and approved. Since yesterday, the parliament has entered into the review of the third chapter, which is actually related to the reform of the budget structure. Which was the modification of the budget structure in article 13. The articles that have been discussed in this context are that the parliament approved that during the seventh plan, the industrial budget presented to the parliament through the government should be programoriented and also, to prevent the existence of some nonbudget provisions, whether in the government bill or in the law that is passed in the parliament, well, some nonbudgetary provisions are included in the budget at the time, so these were actually prohibited from entering the bill and the law in the section of oil revenues and gas also revealed that after deducting the share of the ministry of oil, the oil and gas revenues will be entered into the National Development fund at the central bank, and also a new mechanism will be implemented in the framework of this chapter , which is the reform of the budget structure and the revenues related to oil. For the development of oil and gas fields , the ministry of petroleum was actually given a license sign separate contracts with National Oil Company and its subsidiaries for the development of oil and gas fields during the seventh plan. The remaining articles from this chapter will enter the fourth chapter after that. The fourth chapter is about the reform of the countrys tax system. Well, it is one of the important chapters that in order for us not to be dependent on incomes, we have to set specific goals in this field. After that chapter , they enter into the discussion of pension funds, and finally, the 24th chapter yes, it means that season 3 will probably end today and season 4 will start. Im going to go ahead because there are actually a lot of proposals. In fact, there are a lot of supplementary materials. Well, the program bill has 118 articles, but 122 articles have been added. There are hundreds of proposals. We have to see the space. How is the parliament continuing for the suggestions and discussions of the participants . Now i think we will continue for more than a month. It starts in the afternoon, if there is a need, the parliament can be held in three shifts the meeting will be held. Thank you very much for your complete explanation. Mrs. Hajipour, we are at your service , dear viewers. Inshallah, until the end of the program, we will have another news about radio and television news. They said that regarding the issues and bills that are going to be discussed in the public hall of the Islamic Council today, as well as the programs that were held in the various commissions of the Islamic Council this afternoon, lets go to the first poetry and Music Festival of iranian peoples that started last night in sanandaj. Started 28 the performance of 18 music groups from different iranian ethnic groups will be performed in four locations of the kurdish house of khosrow abad mansion in bahman sanand cinema park until the 11th of mehram. Broadcasting organization of the Islamic Republic of iran presents in the shade of unity and empathy of iranian peoples. This is the kurdistan of people whose footsteps are the sound of their hands and the sound of their hands is the sound of life. Nagai to the ear of nawaz, the reason of any avari language. Instrument and hangar and word. From north to south from the city to the west. They narrate love and affection for property and beauty in the first poetry and Music Festival of irans ethnic groups, 1402 sunand of iranian music. Good morning, dear and respected viewers. In continuation of the mostafa prize event , which started on friday with the presence of mr. President , today the meeting of exchange of scientific experiences of the participants of the mostafa prize is scheduled to be held in Isfahan University of medical sciences. We will go to isfahan in the continuation of the morning program. Hello reporter, we will go and have a conversation with one of the Board Members of the mustafa science and Technology Foundation and we will hear more details from them, but before that, lets go to dr. Muhammad abdulahdoh and talk about the selection of residents of islamic countries for the mustafa award in 2018. To do something about mr. Professor abdulhad it is an honor, he was very persistent in the student period, they are extremely intelligent and have very good ideas. If he doesnt know something, he says frankly that he doesnt know. He says very frankly that he doesnt know. They have high selfconfidence and believe that they should work in their country and for their country. I entered the medical field seriously from the time i was a doctor student in the field of electronic engineering. Beshemoth and in the field cell biology, both in the field of pathology and in the field of cancer in general. Well, these extensive connections with medical centers in nice doctorate made me get a very good view of the medical field and considering the background i had in the field of electronics and nanotechnology. What is happening in the field of cancer biology that can be translated into electronics . They have a very valid theory. This theory was proposed for the first time in the world. Its data was published in nature magazines. It became stronger because on the other hand it made me able the research that i have in mind and the questions that i have in my mind and the ideas that i have , i think that it will be able to help peoples lives more and reduce the pain and peace caused by cancer, both financially and psychologically. It is for the society that i can be a servant in it, it is the most important cancer in which there are many

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