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It helps to obtain data related to the location of the herd and the health of the groom. Smart can reduce the environmental problems resulting from industrial Animal Husbandry and reduce production costs. Digital is vice Small Nuclear fuel cell to power a nuclear microgenerator that could support life on a lunar station, according to researchers at the university of bangor in wales , building this fuel using particles the size of peppercorns could be key to sustaining life on the moon. To be on the moon in the future and to make space safer and more efficient. Scientists believe that microgenerators can also be used on earth. To achieve fartar planets used reflection in the construction and delivery of units of the National Housing Movement Plan in yazd province. In this province, out of 52,000 applicants , 17,000 applicants were approved. Train construction and Home Delivery of the National Housing Movement Plan in the province has progressed. So far, about onethird of the residential units have been handed over to the applicants of the National Housing movement. So far, 37,000 people have registered with dignity. The winged 52,000 applicants have confirmed the finalization. So far, i have handed over 16,840 units to the applicants. Sending parts as apartments now 15 one thousand and 500 residential units in the province are currently being prepared, one of them in the form of a villa, and they will complete their own works according to their own taste. Examples of new technologies that he has seen are candle making inside the provinces from the university. A month passed, it was followed up by the construction and Housing Research center of the ministry of roads and urban development and the final approval was obtained from the Cooperation Organization of the municipalities of the province, one of the contractors and implementers of the National Housing movement project, which is in charge of executive operations and about 4 thousand residential units in the province. 3500 units are running in yazd city 12 sites that are currently being implemented, the average physical progress of this project is 60 , we are now at the site of the zendeh campus, every 1,200 units are supposed to be built here, 3,000 units are actually a matter of population youth policies, and up to 1,200 units are applicants for the National Housing movement. Alhamdulillah, it is progressing very well. For me, our dear people should bring them as soon as possible. In fact, the time to complete the projects will be shorter and the finished price will be lower. Rahman alrahim, ladies and gentlemen, hello welcome to my world today. Hosnia sadat shabiri will accompany you in this program for one hour. Block in southern lebanon. Today, in hosseinis arbain, tens of thousands of ahl albayt lovers witnessed a magnificent mourning. Now hossein, thousands of lebanese people attended the court. Hazrat hawla, the daughter of imam hussein, peace be upon him, held arbaeen husayni in the city of bar under poor conditions. Imam khomeini, as Imam Khomeini emphasized, all we have is from this muharram and safar, which is with children , the people of the arbaeen ceremony, may god not take this way from us, the survivors. From walking karbala from different areas lebanon walked parts of the paths leading to the shrine of their removal on foot. May god bless us every year for the rest of our lives. We are here, it will also serve here, god willing, if we get the reward of arbaeen pilgrims, god willing, in this ceremony, in the continuation of the red road, the martyrs of karbala emphasized, and the institutions and Muhammad Hossein yacoubi, the blessing of the hossein movement, today we are witnessing a Global Movement of the oppressed of the world , including millions of people in africa today. Ceremony they celebrated arbaeen and this is due to the blessing of imam hussain himself. Hazrat hussain carried one of his Young Children on the way to the mountain towards syria and it became the grave of the lovers of ahl albayt. The authenticity of the peoples participation in this years arbaeen in lebanon is unprecedented, reported Seyed Mohammad hossein hosseini, sada and east lebanon news agency. The arbaeen day walking ceremony was also held in the capital of india. In india , arbaeen is held tomorrow, but in delhi this year due to the holding of the g20 summit and the implementation of dat. Traffic and security held a day earlier thousands of lovers and lovers of abba Abdullah Alhussein peace be upon him chanted the names of imam hussain and hazrat abbas in the streets of delhi. Today, around the citys grand mosque, these mourning groups were launched in the arbaeen of the martyrs of karbala. The arbaeen ceremony is held in different parts of the world. It is our honor that we hold the arbaeen ceremony thousands of kilometers away from karbala. This is the only mourning procession for imam hussain , peace be upon him, whose mourners pass by the majlis and the president ial palace of india. This arbaeen procession has a long history. And it has been more than 200 years since the independence of india during the time of the british, this procession will be held tonight, and now the mourners of the capital of india started their mourning from 10 oclock in the morning today from old delhi and after 12 hours passed to shah mardan dargah in delhi. It has arrived one after another in another corner of india, that is, in the city of babki in the state of Uttar Pradesh , the sunni muslims of the ahl albayt are mourning with great passion and interest. Arbaeen mohsen abdul maliki, new delhi broadcasting news agency the zionist soldiers attacked the jenin camp once again, facing the resistance of the palestinian fighters. According to al jazeera report, the zionists and a military vehicle entered the jenin camp in the west. It is also said that in the attack, a large number of Occupying Soldiers entered the house of one of the commanders of the shahada azar battalions and arrested him. Saudi arabia has extended the reduction of one Million Barrels of Oil Production until the end of autumn in the framework of strengthening the efforts of opec countries to support the balance in the russian market, he also announced that he will continue to reduce the production of 300,000 Barrels Per Day until the end of autumn, after this decision of russia and saudi arabia became known in the media, the price of Brent Crude Oil increased to 100 per the barrel reached that this price is unprecedented in the last 10 months. Some french Political Parties and social activists called the statements of the president of this country during the prohibition of tolls in french schools shameful. From parties such as the socialist party, the communist party of france, the party the greens and other parties reacted to the statements made by emmanuel macron. Earlier , he had blamed the murder of a french teacher three years ago for girls abayas in schools and claimed that a law had been enacted to deal with terrorism. Some members of the French Parliament these statements were described as shameful and dangerous. The ministry of the interior of england issued a statement and announced that the russian vaccine militant group has been included in the list of terrorist organizations. Perceived also, wagners assets will be classified as terrorist and will be seized , the English Ministry of interior added that the punishment for any belonging to this Russian Group is up to 14 years and a fine. The president of ukraine has been the president of ukraine. The indian tv channel willian announced the possible decision of the indian authorities to change the name of this country. According to this tv channel in europe , the president of india used the title of president of bharat instead of india in the invitation of the group of 20. For change the sanskrit name has strengthened the countrys name. Previously, some officials of the ruling party had spoken about the necessity of changing the countrys name to bharat. The name of the ruling party is ham biar ata jan ata, which is accused of extreme nationalism and suppression of minority ethnicities and religions. Indian media also reported that the countrys name change is to be considered in the next two weeks of parliament session. Argentinian students designed a picture of lionel messi, the argentinian soccer player, with thousands of recycled plastic bottle caps. At the bottom, lionel messi is holding the trophy it shows that it was written, captain, thank you. We saw in the short news that the president of france warned female students not to wear hijabs. The film should have other dimensions, so i can talk about it with mr. Mohsen ahmadi, an expert on world affairs. Islam, mr. Ahmadi, greetings to you, it is my first year, can you interpret these statements in line with islamophobia or antiislamism of france, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to the great work and everyone right now, my dear, and condolences on the occasion of arbaeen sayyid and salar of the martyrs and category islamophobia is a good word which actually indicates the issue of racism and xenophobia, and this issue of roma in events such as the attacks of september 11, the formation of the taliban , the formation of isis, and then the terrorist attacks that were carried out in europe later, we see this, well , everyone knows that in fact this was planned by the european governments themselves and it was done in france for several years that the issue of combating islamophobia is actually the issue of combating islamic thoughts and beliefs, especially that we see the french government discussing the banning of clothing. In recent years and after in fact, around 2014, the french government closed down many of the mosques that exist all over the country. Well, today you follow the same policy. This is actually the performance of the french government and mr. Macron. The problem is that it is the opposite of that political structure. That the french government is praying, secularism actually says the separation of religion from the government, but you see the behavior of france today , the french government is antireligion, well, this is against the slogan of secularism, well, this issue shows that this move by the french government is a flight forward as we see macron the president of france has not performed well in his own government, and in my opinion, this type of madman has neither the intellectual maturity nor the political maturity to run the french society. What is your reasoning in this matter . The discussion against the wearing of aba for girls, see that you, as the president of france, put your level and dignity at the lowest level , let us intervene in the issue of clothing among students at this level, and you are acting against your own constitution. What does the president of france actually do, the enforcer of the constitution and this their actions are against the constitution, as you know that in europe, based on the statistics of the desire to convert to the islamic religion, to wear hijab, and the increase of this increase, this intensification can cause so much fear that, according to you, the highest Political Authority in france or about wearing aba asr comments why, by the way, this is also one of the reasons that this development and promotion of islamic thought and tendency towards the religion of islam all over the world has put this fear in the hearts of world politicians and western governments, especially in europe, especially the victories of the government. Shiites like the government of the Islamic Republic in the fight against the trend terrorism in the region of these victories has put fear in the hearts of the european governments that iran will become a superpower of this islamic thought, which has actually become a superpower and is expanding, and if this trend continues, we will no longer be anywhere in the middle of thinking about the environment. It has no people, and we can no longer rule over the people, mr. Ahmadi, lets go back to the conversation with you, i want to say now, baba shaheswar hosseini, correspondent of the french radio and Television News agency , hawai shaheswar hosseini. That at this level at the highest level the political official in france commenting on the clothing of girls is due to the political immaturity of this natural ahmadi chamber , how do you prepare the program on this subject , are they very worried because of their inclination towards islam, they enter at this level or any opinion . I would like to know what you want to know now. I would like to present to you, dear viewers, regarding the discussion of special clothing for muslim girls in french schools, now it is very serious at high levels both in the French Parliament and among the french parties and their representation in the country as well. Very new, yes, as always, and will be followed up well, this discussion on this issue that you raised can be confirmed according to this survey. Now they have nothing to do with mr. Macrons type of governance , but compared to the fact that now islam is the predominant religion in european countries, especially in france, which is currently around 10 the percentage of the population of this country is made up of muslims. According to my survey , they will be approximately 1820 of the population of france by 2050. Now it is around 810 . Because of this, many circles, especially the extreme rightwing circles of france, are concerned about this. They are very worried and as much as they can it comes to the current government that they themselves are putting various pressures until the news of immigration in france, which is heard in whispers , will end, and this law is the most important feature of the very respectful and official expulsion of muslim immigrants from this country, what are the reactions in france had, now that in the media circles of social networks, the general public is now not letting the public be dragged too much, their media, which raises the issues of shia members, is now trying to deal with this issue, for example, an issue that has been woven a lot since these two or three days. That the school is open to harassment and there is Sexual Harassment of students, but in france it is a meter and they have enacted a strict law for this issue, but among the parties in political circles , mr. Macrons words have resonated a lot. The head of it evaluates these statements as a religious war, and you are aware that the statements were not made very clearly. But according to the issues he brought i know that it was disrespectful to the teacher of one of the schools, and this duality that is now in the public space of france is the issue of secularism, the issue of separation. That the anger of one of the young muslims is aroused, there is this duality, and instead of correcting their faces, they wear almost very few female students of french schools, who now bring me sensitivities. Students and teachers of a school in the suburbs of paris in protest this matter went on strike. Tell us more details about it. On wednesday, the schools opened after the Summer Vacation and the 12th student police, the french government Surveillance Police stationed in front of the schools announced that the media announced that about 300 female students they were present wearing clothes with islamic symbols. Out of these 300 people were signed. It is not clear if they will continue their education. And show your presence it is the concern of the country that the islamic dress prevents this issue, which really hurts a lot, and this has caused the various french parties, especially aftabeh , to react to this issue and announce that we have examined this issue in the parliament. I will return to the conversation with mr. Ahmadi mr. Shahab hosseini pointing out that france interprets the insult to the prophet of islam in the framework of freedom of expression and we allow how in such a case it considers it a contest of freedom of expression and this conflict is anyway judged by the progress of the public work with this what double against Public Opinion it checks what was going on, in other words, it raises an issue called freedom of speech within the framework of the french constitution, but you must know what is the basis of this constitution in france and what does freedom of speech have . President of france zaini expresses his personal opinion or freedom of speech from the point of view of the constitution of our good country, as they pointed out a few years ago, the issue of insulting all the political figures of the countries, in fact, this newspaper had the issue of insulting the holy place of the prophet of islam and the president of france as the highest authority the country should condemn this movement to the point where we dont even have this issue in the teachings of christianity and other religions, that they are insulting the highest religious authority , they are insulting a prophet, and i will remain silent and only express my defense in front of him. I think it is characteristic of this issue of freedom of speech and the newspaper also came and presented its opinion in the form of a good issue and went away, how does armin justify the same issue of freedom of expression. A symbol of this should be dealt with while the symbol wants to be in the form be it clothes , clothing, or anything else, there is a time when he comes to confront this thinking and insults the best indian personality. His policy and strategy is the same strategy of confronting the body of fighting against islamic thinking. The name of terrorism in the terrorist program of the parliament has been called the terrorist of the army day, and he is saying, well , the highest person of this thinking is the highest position of the candle of the prophet, and i can insult mr. Shaheswar hosseini. I am so worried about this expansion

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