, and the construction of 1 proud chapter. The use of all the officials of easy brains with jihad work and around the clock to help the people, especially the weak classes, is the task of todays work. The jihadist of the officials is not related to the irgc, all the officials of the country today are obliged to work as a jihadist, to work around the clock, to know no fatigue, to pursue the solution of production obstacles and peoples problems, to meet the president with the managers of several Large Industrial companies in the country, to resolve the final chapter of a case of someone complaining during the president s visit. Power judiciary to gorgan without reference to the court and the first Vice President s field visit to the quality of gasoline supply at gas stations, registration of more than one million Arbaeen Hosseini pilgrims in the sama system, 22,000 red crescent rescuers and therapists went to the western borders , special exercises in the borders of tamrchin and bashmaq for the pilgrims travel, the visit of the Saudi Foreign minister, the followup of the implementation of the agreements between the two countries and the official start of the Iranian Ambassador in riyadh, the design and commissioning of a new Oil Production line, vacuum blood collection tubes , increasing the quality of diagnostic tests using Ultrasound Technology after we examine the economy what effects does the increase in the import of red meat and animal products have on the price of this product . God bless muhammad and his family. Good day, dear viewers , the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. The officials of the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps called the emergence of growth and development and crisisfighting and the operation of the irgc in the aspects of military, service and life as unique and honorable, and by pointing out that the enemys policy is to create a crisis in the countrys line and security and disrupt the lives of the people. They emphasized in the light of National Unity involving the people, helping the people, especially the weak classes, the roundtheclock work and jihad of the officials, and continuing the movement of hope and realizing the goals of the revolution, the defeat of the enemy and the victory of the nation are certain. The devils of the world knew and by calling the formation of a group with the characteristics of the irgc as unique among the larger revolutions, they said that the formation of the irgc at the beginning of the revolution was a unique phenomenon among the great revolutions of history. From the beginning of the formation of the corps, the people of the corps and they were beautiful observers for khordar, from the values ​​of religion and revolution, such as selfsacrifice and dedication, such as the presence of a constant jihadist around the clock , forming a triangle in front of the most honorable imam. Being pure for being pious, the entire forces also considered the method of increasing and internalizing the irgc as unique, and describing the organizational expansion of this institution shortly after its formation, they added that the irgc, with the support and cooperation of the selfless army, participated in several major operations two years after its formation. Including fathul mobin and azadi khorramshahr naqsh he made a decisive decision and was able to expose the enormous power of the military defense of the revolution to the enemy. Referring to the continuous growth and birth and internal strength of the irgc, he said that this complex has now become a huge and fully equipped center and the largest antiterrorist organization in the world, which many of the worlds major armies they are unable to carry out actions similar to its activities. The leader of the revolution called the irgcs performance attractive and multifaceted, and considered the continuous face of crises as one of the continuous aspects of this institutions performance. On the verge of victory the Islamic Revolution in guadeloupe island, france, they added that they considered its artificial regime impossible , but by designing a strategy of successive crises, they hoped that every government in the new government of iran would be destroyed. At the beginning of the revolution, they added that the documents of the us espionage nest in iran also showed that this situation happened within the framework of the same western strategy of creating a series of crises in iran. They read and emphasized that the enemies were trying to ground the revolution by creating crises like the august 28 coup and then finish the work of the revolution with an action similar to the august 28 coup, but the irgc prevented the repetition of the august 28 coup and did not allow iran to deviate from the right path that had been started. And this is the reason why the enemies have so much hatred for the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps. Deterrence has created the leader of the revolution and reduced they considered the nonrepetition of the statement that the military option is on the table as a result of the irgc s deterrence power and capabilities, and they said that everyone knows that this sentence has become meaningless and worthless. They evaluated it as unique and added that the revolutionary guard corps was serving the people with all its might in Public Services , removing deprivations, natural disasters and accidents like corona. And the young element when he sees the science and practice of idealism and realism and hard power and equipment with soft power, i. E. Communication with the people, intertwined in the irgc , he takes a role model and is attracted to the proud youth and martyrs who defend the privacy of security, the result of such attractions of the irgc and elements revolutionary guardsmen such as haj qasim hajji and ibrahim hadi are considered to be a sign of the irgcs cross border influence. Destruction of the corps will pay the next headline that the commander in chief in this the meeting warned the guards of the Islamic Revolution that it was necessary to protect oneself, pointing to values ​​such as neglecting the remembrance of god, pride , misguidance, neglecting gods blessings and help , and despair and doubt. People read and said that personality weaknesses cause people to fall down in sensitive situations, so before guarding against the revolution, we must constantly take care of ourselves. Ayatollah khamenei advised the irgc officials to be sensitive and take care to preserve the important values ​​and prominences of the irgc. They did and by pointing they said to the noble verse of the quran, which doubles the punishment and reward of noble women of the respected position of the holy prophet, we teachers and you soldiers are also like this, because our good work or our mistakes have double external effects and doubles the importance of selfcare, the leader of the revolution. Referring to the dedication of the previous generations of the irgc, they advised the young and proud generation of todays irgc to try to raise their scientific, practical and spiritual beauty even higher than those good opinions of the past. What is the characteristic of the Islamic Revolution . Which provokes enmities and against them it becomes necessary to protect the revolution. They called the political rule of islam in iran a clear answer to this question and in explaining the characteristics and characteristics of political islam, they said that opposition to oppression and oppressors and helping the oppressed are prominent features. And the sensationalist is political islam, which makes the hero of a regime like the zionist regime, which is based on occupation, oppression, coercion, and torture , to be stubborn and enmity with a system like the Islamic Republic. It was another feature that the leader of the revolution caused they considered the conflict of the colonialists with the islamic system and added that in contrast to the colonial approach , the quran commanded us to deal with nations, even nations with different beliefs and behavior, with judgment and justice. They called it the result of colonial occupation and exploitation of other countries over the centuries and said that a certain political analyst asks what the Islamic Republic has done that a certain country is against, while the answer to this question is clear and the lever mechanism of colonialism cannot be used with that background. With a good islamic system belief in the dignity of all human beings regardless of race, color and region was another order of the quran, which the leader of the revolution pointed out by pointing out that according to the logic of the quran, a black person is no different from other human beings, so the westerners who use the logic of Racial Discrimination in a scandalous way can they be kind to the islamic system by enumerating another factor of hatred of the illwishers to political islam . Nonlikeminded to say he does not intend to conflict, he accepts, but if he notices the other sides trickery and lying, and the readiness of the other side to stab him in the back, he will never accept, and on the other hand , he will retaliate against breaking the agreement. They read the Islamic Republic as a model and a pioneer for resistance movements in the sensitive region of west asia and said that if the Islamic Republic had not become a model, these hostilities would have been less. Before the victory of the revolution, that is, in the sixday war 1967 and also the war of 1973, they noted that after the Islamic Revolution, the same regime tried for 33 days to defeat hezbollah in lebanon , but could not and was forced to flee in disgrace , the leader of the revolution emphasizing that the distance between the revolution and before the revolution there is a difference between the 1967 sixday war and the 33day war. They added that today things have reached a point where in the occupied territories of palestine and in the region west of the jordan river, young people are moving and transporting in such a way that they have made the zionist regime incapable of confronting the characteristics of political islam. They considered him to be an enemy of evil demons, a promisebreaker, and a liar they said that by getting to know each other, the motive of guarding deepens , and we do not make mistakes in knowing the other party. Imam reza allah a. S. with that eye of insight means that there is really no better interpretation than this. In contrast to this, you cannot see the true meaning of the word insight in the hidden layers of things , as if we should shout at america whatever you want , Ayatollah Khamenei said in the final part of his speech important and general advice to improve after the revolution , they emphasized that we should know the value and importance of progress, but not be proud. They called the wests Strategic Policy of creating crises in iran as a continuous policy and added that they are still looking for permanent crises inside. The country is one day under the pretext of elections, one day under the pretext of gasoline and one day under the pretext of women. Of course, the means of creating crisis are more advanced today. The leader of the revolution called the enemys main goal of creating a crisis to hit the security of the country and said that without economic security, the employment of infrastructure works. Setting up factories and science and there are no universities and research centers, so their main goal of interfering with the countrys security is to disrupt peoples lives. They also use attention, but the essence of the matter is the spy services, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that we must understand our duties in relation to the designs of the enemy and said, yes , today, peoples participation is all about helping people, especially the weak classes. Our duty is to work jihadi is not the officials, especially the irgc, all the officials of the country today are obliged to work as a jihadist, to work day and night, so that he doesnt know fatigue, we started the mushfakhi season , we crossed this high speed, this steep slope, we are close to the peaks, do you get tired today, you cant get tired, it doesnt kill the day. Today is the day of enthusiasm and hope is the day of movement. The countrys officials in different sectors should move with this spirit. The leader of the revolution also said about criticizing the officials , i am not saying that there should be no transfer, but expressing criticism should be accompanied by trust in the officials, because the officials are enthusiastic about your ability to god. And with all his might in the end, he emphasized that the way has been traveled until today, if we follow the path, victory over the enemy of qatar. Said that this revolutionary institution stands and will stand against all conspiracies and any attacks of the enemies against the iranian nation. In the geography of the islamic world, the mujahidats of this highranking martyr and his companions and counted and addressed the enemies emphasized that the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps will avenge the blood of the martyrs and the United States will definitely expel them from the region. Security military, information, scientific, economic, building health, providing promotional and hopegiving services, payment of jihadi Doctors Service to underprivileged compatriots in the new city of parand, 200 doctors specializing in audiometry, dentistry and ophthalmology in different cities of the country with the cooperation of the Relief Committee in musla of the new city of parand and a number of underprivileged compatriots were examined and treated for free. The Relief Committee, by being present at this center, took a close look at the implementation process of treating the patients and said that this jihad service continues for 5 days and nights, and at least 3 to 5 thousand people they receive comprehensive Specialized Medical Services at the same time as the anniversary of the freedmens arrival in the country, a conference commemorating the freedmen was held across the country on august 26, 1369, and after the Bilateral Agreement with iraq, the first group of iranian prisoners of war returned to the country, mohammad ranjbar, one of these freedmen from a fighter who was released from the prisons of the baath regime he wrote a letter to the imam. It was the first time that he actually took over the products of the battalion commander. It was in 2010 that he was captured by the beseis. He was 23 years old. They finished but we didnt come back and we werent part of it, we were martyred, the Martyr Foundation officially announced that this martyr was the third , the seventh, the fortieth, and after the food ran out , it was registered as a number, the family was informed that we he is a prisoner, when four years of his captivity had passed, he wrote a letter to imam believe me, from my fathers prison, it is easy to endure hardship, but it is difficult to endure the separation of a friend. My father, i am writing from the land of exile, from the corner of the dusty qom prison, from the exile of a friend, with sad eyes, waiting to see you. I was very impressed. I feel the sadness of you dear ones in prison. After you came back, he told us to review his memories. He said that when he gave the letter to the imam, but called me, he was very sad and missed him, and while he was answering this he was writing the letter and said that ahmed, if one day i was alive and the prisoners returned find this person , bring it to me, mother. Thank you. Difficult times under those pressures, one of the things that kept you in your heart, kept you hopeful , was the memory of that face and spirit of our dear imams steadfastness. The imams place is empty these days, the story of Agha Muhammad is narrated by one of the 43,000 freedmen of the holy defense of Maryam Ghasemi in the presence of the head of the judiciary, sedav and sima news agency, the case of the plaintiff of zarin gorgan commercial complex was resolved without reference to the court, mr. Ajei, who traveled to england on his 24th trip to the province, and said that the approach of the judiciary to support peace and reconciliation in the cases are an example today, well where it could have been at least 180 cases , at least 180 to 600 to 700 to 700 to spend time. A criminal case should be formed and an agreement has been made between them that the number of them is the same as mine today i saw from the faces of these people who were talking and lying about the explanation of the chief prosecutor and the deputy prosecutor that they were completely satisfied with themselves. And raised questions in the conversation with the judge about this case, action to remove the legal obstacles to the production of several economic and Industrial Enterprises and a supervisory visit to judicial complexes in line with the enforcement of public rights are among the other executive programs in this trip. Mr. Mokhbar visited a gas station in tehran. During this visit, mr. Mokhbar examined the issues and problems of the station and talked closely with the people and people visiting the gas stations for two or three days. While this kind of thing is never discussed in the government, no part of the government , we think that we do not have a clear plan to increase the price of the benz package, not in the quota. The fuel cards of the stations were not unaffected, fortunately since yesterday mr the minister mobilized in the hope of forming a fire, but now some provinces where our reports were that there is an abnormal situation, such as mashhad, isfahan and shiraz, the model has become normal in tehran. They gave 24 problems and good decisions were made. We hope that these 15 places of consumption will be solved in a few hours. The daily amount of hot red meat crossed the 122 mark. It will be proven in the next 30 days, according to mr the pak agreement will speed up the Foreign Exchange needed for the import of livestock inputs and the process of entering these institutions. Also, referring to the crossing of the threshold of 130 million hatchlings in july and august, he said that with this level of production, the market needs at an approved price. It will be fully supplied, mr. Peymanpad pointed out that we will face a production surplus in chicken production , and added that we are fully prepared to buy surplus chicken from producers and increase strategic reserves, the number of pilgrims registered for arbaeen exceeded one million people, according to the secretary of the Registration Committee and dispatch of the central headquarters of arbaeen until this morning , more than 1 million and 15 thousand people have confirmed their car registration by paying insurance in the sana system. Western iran and iraq became the head of the Red Crescent Society in the escorting ceremony of the Arbaeen Hosseini relief and medical convoy from today, from the western borders of the country to the city of najaf , a relief and rescue station every 100 km, and also a health station every 70 vertical meters on the way from najaf to karbala. Is based according to mr. Kolivand kader

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