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Considers the increase in Energy Prices due to the war in ukraine as one of the main factors of the decrease in Industrial Production and the negative Economic Growth of germany. Lisbon and perto in the center of this country are closed. A fire near the main tourist area of ​​this country has damaged about 6,704 plants. So far , 19 villages and several tourist resorts have been evacuated. Exposed to the maximum risk of fire they announced that according to the report of the World Meteorological organization, europe is warming faster than other countries of the world. According to the report of alalam tv channel, zionist settlers under the support of the Occupying Forces attacked the houses and cars of palestinian citizens in ramallah and dull. It arrived in palestine. The video here is batin area in the east of ramallah. The zionist settlement of begi is considered one of the largest zionist settlements. It is located near the tim area. The residents of the town almost every day cross hadd fasal street to tim and the city of ardabil and they target anyone who passes by there. While they are standing at a close distance watching these attacks, they do not take any action, and it is not just the beti area that anyone who enters it leaves, the targets of the attacks are the settlers, in the east of tulkarem dars, dozens of cars were taken by that zionist. Setting fire to the same incidents have also happened in hebron and the town the zionist settlers are preventing palestinian farmers from entering their agricultural lands. When almost a third of the members of this government are settlers , it is natural that they act according to the predetermined plans drawn by this government. However, the conflict between palestinians and urban residents is not a new thing, but the danger of the issue at this stage is that the City Residents have turned into organized gangs that target the palestinians with the support of the israeli army. He expressed his concern beautifully the latest report expressed concern about the increase in the murder of kurdish singers, since the beginning of this year, 65 people have been shot in london, 6 of them have been shot with other objects and methods. It has increased and created alarming conditions. The reason is that we are dealing with the roots of Violent Crimes. Neil catlin , inspector of the British Police development, said that 54 of the victims of violent murders in the capital are nonwhite, and about 20 of the victims of these stories are not. The women of espresso abu saeed electrify because of the increase in crimes the decrease in the police force and budget in the Islamic Society and Violent Crimes have increased and now the police do not Pay Attention to reports of theft, including theft from homes, according to the report of the National Statistics center of england, with more than 600 People Killed in this country. According to the report of the British Police, most of the victims were in their teens and 20s, at the same time as the number of crimes increased in the uk, the National Statistics center of this country announced that the number of crimes in this country reached the highest level in recent decades to more than 6 million last year. 700,000 articles increased, mojtaba ghaseminejad, Sada News Agency simultaneously with the journalists day, sima london, a number of officials visited the sed and sima news agency in the presence of the National Media. On the sidelines of the visit, the minister of economy, while thanking the National Media for the implementation of the law on facilitating the issuance of Business Licenses, said that the implementation of this law would be possible without sed and sema journalists. Sima mahal was impossible. Today, other officials also attended the glass hall of khabar and thanked the journalists. The year allowed after the principles of religion and the branches of religion. There were three days left the end of the deadline for connecting the devices to the National Licensing portal, the judiciary and municipalities are still not connected to the National License portal, the automatic registration of devicebased licenses is not connected from today, 4 devices are still not connected to the integrated licensing system, the minister of economy , as a member of the government cabinet, is not connected today to i have come to visit sedav sima news agency to tell you how many years their help has been in advancing their goals. If in fact you did not come to the issue of work permits, there would not have been so much progress in the country when mr. President himself was so persistent. And repetition has caused that the principles and branches of religion should be known to all people in gwara, the minister of economy at the end of this visit to salam studio, the reporter emphasized this issue once again, this incident will definitely happen without the help of the media and newsmen, and more specifically, the National Media itself. Today, the National Media had other guests. Among the developments that have been found in khabar in the last two years and have caught my attention, one of them is the introduction of the book. And amami and sima, follow up on the matter behind it, surely the government will follow the result of the meeting the report that you send to the branches of all the executive and judicial officials, and even the food, is being activated that agha rezai khoda aside and doing his duty, next to bukhari khafan, during the visit of the head of the Jamiat National headquarters to the news agency sedav and sima yesterday, the land will be handed over to the beneficiaries. The youth law of the population became one of the examples of the influence of omani radio and television , the National Media was able to create this movement. Related to the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom of the dear family of martyrs and martyrs sedav and sima news agency, speaker of the Islamic Council said that in the bilateral talks with the Parliament Delegations of iran and vietnam, important economic, political, tourism, and close commercial cooperation issues were discussed and examined. And also the friendship groups of the parliaments of the two countries should try to raise the level of trade exchanges to billion dollars, which was targeted before the corona virus, also against the establishment of the tehran flight line in the near future. Vietnam has facilitated the issuance of visas between the two countries, which will be illustrated and create more and more convenient visa opportunities, and we will definitely launch direct air flights between tehran and now , the head of the National Assembly of vietnam also stressed the effort to realize the level of trade between the two countries. He emphasized on two billion dollars and efforts to develop technological cooperation, including in the bread sector and attracting tourists between the two countries, as well as a video of issuing visas. Also, at the end of this meeting, a memorandum of cooperation between the parliaments of iran and vietnam was signed by the president s of the parliaments of the two countries. Determining the credit limit for checkbook applicants it is subject to the completion of the validation system and the new technologies of the central bank said that this bank is developing a reliable sample for determining the credit limit of small applicants and the final sample will be presented with the launch of the validation system. Setting the credit limit for small applicants can prevent the issuance checks can be made by people without credit and ability. My question is, why did the banks not investigate those who give checks to drug addicts or litter pickers, why didnt they inquire if these people also have credit or have such a budget to clear such work . The approval of the check issuance law should be held in 2017. Second, the judicial and Legal Commission has passed the check issuance plan for about five years. According to article 21 of the frequent check law, with the credit limit allowed for me , how much is the central bank obligated to issue a check . Article 66 calculate this limit and let me know that the law has not been implemented so that some people can receive checks without credit. They asked some questions in shush street , they gathered a bunch of trash pickers and opened a current account for them. Opening a current account, creating a category, taking 50 pages and more sedbarg, this legal loophole has led to big frauds in this field. I have 800 million checks and 700 small checks. He received a fishermans check for the amount of 236 million tomans. After that , the officials of the central bank said that the credit line of the people is supposed to be issued. I will connect the check to the customer validation system, lets work on the formula that can have the most coverage and the least error. But lets actually work in the discussion of the validation database and doing this in this way, it seems that this work will feed each other, the discussion of the new validation model and the discussion of the check credit limit will probably be implemented at the same time. The National Housing movement has started in 160 hectares of lands annexed to bandar abbas. It is the largest centralized Housing Project in the country in the form of 420 residential blocks. The implementation operations of the largest National Housing Movement Project in the country has started in bandar abbas. Let us give the people that this 15 thousand tomans as the largest concentrated project there is housing with this set of earthworks, infrastructure implementation at the right time with the right quality. God willing, it will be finished. With this work, the offices of our entire commitment in bandar abbas city have been operational. We have 70 to 75 percent of the air from the issued building permits, and god willing, all the plans and finally by the fall of this year. Lets start. Residential building will be built on a plot of land with an area of ​​360 repetitions. Educational songs, cultural, sports, entertainment, tourism have all been seen in the complex. Medical services have been seen. In fact , he has taken seriously all the services that my city needs. The schedule is to be able to complete it in two years. God bless the project lets take over the native and traditional architecture of hormozgan is one of the most important features of the construction of the largest National Housing Movement Plan in bandar abbas. The National Housing Movement Plan registered 86,000 Housing Units in this plan by the end of the year, siyabi sed and sima news agency continued the review of the bill of the seventh program in the Consolidation Commission. My dear, i greet you with the most important approvals of the Consolidation Commission for the replica. In the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. Salam alaikum. Hello, dear people. Regarding the approvals of the Consolidation Commission , i would like to bring to the attention of the dear people. It is one of the most important approvals in the field of health. In the field of health, the Supreme Leader said that the patient has no worries. It should not be except for the patient, and it was also approved in the program that no more than 30 of the publics pocket should be spent on each patient. And also effective fighters and women heads of families who are effective were considered free and for the tenths of 1 to 52 , so a great thing has happened in the field of health, especially for the poor and the deprived. The Islamic Revolution is the removal of poverty and deprivation. The second point is 100 insurance coverage, according to article 29 of the constitution of universal insurance, and thank god, in the five year plan, it was well understood that the next point is the responsibility of the government for the future health, in fact , the future hopes of iran, especially in primary schools that they have healthy nutrition, and these areas are the doubts of the nations in the law, the program provided for the organization of the food and Drug Organization and the medical equipment, ambulance and medicine to be provided based on the needs of the people. Prevention and reduction of harms in the Health Sector required attention, resources were provided to strengthen hospitals to secure medical and health centers, the important point is the responsibility of the health system, that is, the ministry of health , as the guardian of health , has the authority and responsibility. Worship, responsibility and serving the people in the field of health has been well explained, the executive plan of the Family Doctor system and the referral system have been fully seen in the program, and all the areas of the necessary infrastructure of Human Resources for women serving in the health field have been well seen, and most importantly, the Electronic Services of the field health and smartening of information in the field of health is the infrastructure of the referral system and the Family Doctor that all programs and orders have been changed and we hope that , god willing, the field of health will be able to provide for the concerns of the people because of the great god, mr. Azizi, of the metal commission who was with us. The success of knowledge bases in internalizing all kinds of artificial batteries, which are not inferior in quality to foreign samples, and the price is about two million cheaper than imported samples, and the internalization of car batteries by domestic technologists is a strategic product that makes our country an importer. It has become an exporter. Car batteries are one of the very good examples of car parts. In the field of selfsufficiency, approximately four to five years ago , we imported more than 4 million car batteries. In the development of the country, the Technical Knowledge of car battery production is one of the goals of the National Grand plan. Which the knowledge bases entered with more than 35 types the car batteries that we produce are almost all the cars that are used in cities and cold roads. Our products can be used by ronaldo , as well as agricultural and Road Construction machines. 6 million batteries annually, which means 50 of the countrys needs are provided by knowledgebased technologists. We received the soviet alloy, and this year we melt it in our own devices and it fights, and this battle turns into networks with symphony and after rubbing an active paste we plates we dry the battery in salt water and make it like this. This technological product is competitive with foreign models. The country is developing its own iranian games. It is equal to the quality of european batteries with a price less than two and a half times that of europe, which we have with a little. If we supply more than 32 dollars, it will be exported to other countries, iraq, afghanistan, yemen, and even countries that are far away from us, such as venezuela, cuba, and to 14 countries. In fact , the export of car batteries is underway, according to the officials, the quality and quantity increase. Domestically produced car batteries are considered the main goal of technologists is it possible, the heartwarming beloved of the irgc news agency, ande, said that we are in a global media war, greetings at the conference on the implementation of the order to elevate the basij, among basij members of the tehran irgc, said that the enemy tried to make us a battlefield last year, and behind these incidents at the hands of the United States and europe, we were seeing regressiveness and internal selfselling. The commanderinchief of the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps said that the enemy was looking for bloody division and crushing the ideal of community management, but you basijians did not allow any inheritance from the service to take an unusual form through evil acts. To the takfiris from any point of view they entered cognitive warfare from psychological operations from Information Warfare , they entered from any point. 1 one formula was enough to defeat them. The professional qualification of shams, the arrival of teachers of nongovernmental schools, the head of the organization of nongovernmental schools and centers and the development of peoples partnerships, by announcing this, announced the preparation of a 60hour training package for the empowerment of teachers , administrators and staff of nongovernmental schools , seminaries and farhangian university, 12 to 15 hours. Mr. Will participate in these trainings mahmoudzadeh said that teachers and Human Resources of nongovernment schools are supposed to be trained in inservice courses and get a qualification card. The occasion of reporters day has reached its peak here at sed and sima news agency , and dont be tired. More than 40 broadcasts of irans largest news agency , sed and sima news agency , have hosted the president. Ayat allah was the leader. There are many reports that complain about the bonuses paid to the wrestling athletes. For example, now we have wrestling who are the world champions. It didnt last for a year and they were rewarded with coins. At the same time, it was two million , and then there is the movie. Lets give the mirror of justice to the king to be established between football players, for example, between team sports and other sports, the same reward and remittance is intended for soccer players, but unfortunately for the rest of the sports, considering the position of the world championships, especially volleyball. Wired basketball wrestling and weightlifting, if you have any thoughts on how they are now, it is definitely motivating and womens sports that receive the special attention of the president , special attention to sports, broadcast sports, among the adaptation of the stadiums for the rewards that are considered for female athletes, if you please, madam. Athletes also made a lot of honor when the flag of the Islamic Republic is raised , the anthem of the Islamic Republic is played, and a law of heroes and dogs is placed. Ladies, by cooperating as a heroic lady, as we had a heroic soldier, mohammad sarzabi will be exempted, and the athletes are looking for food , mr. Dr. Esmaili , lets follow up. The efforts of irans youth volleyball players to advance to the top 8 teams in the world in the round of 16 of the under19 volleyball competition tonight at 20 30 will make our countrys youth team face serbia. The winner of this match will get the right to be among the top 8 teams. Mohammad vakilis students, with four victories in the preliminary stage , are the leaders on their way to the elimination round. In the other game tonight , india will play against chile, egypt, colombia, belgium, slovenia, france, and mexico. The under19 championship volleyball competition will be hosted by san juan , argentina. Thank you for your support. Today is tuesday, august 17th, 21st muharram at 8 00 in tehran, west aftab at 19 22 , azan maghrib at 19 22. Sharii midnight at 23 22 by roots and collection news at 14 00 thank you very much and we are going to the economic stadium with the great cooperation of the big dogs. Thank you very much. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Greetings, courtesy and respect to all the viewers of the economic Table Program in yesterdays news, chairman. The president appeared on the radio and television, one of the most important agendas that came to fruition was the issuance and approval of Business Licenses by the radio and television organization. Today , the minister of economy emphasized the same point. Economic planning, examining the role of the media in the realization of the facilitation of issuance Business Licenses are not assigned to religion. I invite you

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