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Bilaterally in the fields of finance and banking, investment and insurance is being implemented together in the field of establishing a joint Insurance Company with the presence of a consortium of iranian Insurance Companies and of course with the partnership of the syrian side, as well as the establishment of a joint bank between iran and syria with a shareholding ratio of 60 the percentage of the side iranian and 40 of the syrian side witnessed the fruition of the past efforts and today these two new institutions as the two driving engines of investment and trade between iran and syria were officially authorized after the visit of mr. President and started to work. In a joint press conference with the syrian minister of economy and trade, the iransyria joint Economic Cooperation Commission Said that with the followups between the two countries, iran and the country of iran, and a good difference in the hands of mr. Bazerpash, a joint company was established between the two countries in the field of insurance, less than three the month of the visit of the president of the Islamic Republic of iran to syria and the signing the cooperation documents of the two countries are passed and tehran witnessed the presence of the minister of economy and Foreign Trade of syria to follow up the achievements of this trip, which has many dimensions in many areas in the banking cooperation sector in the establishment of a joint Insurance Company in the field of tourism and visitors in the field of transportation and in the field of free trade, many of which reached the conclusion of the implementation stage, and the iranian head of the joint commission for iransyria cooperation also said that some of the cooperation documents signed during this trip were implemented, and a great progress was made in the insurance field, a joint company was established and now can to Iranian Companies and even iranian travelers and zaval and tourists provide services, the joint banking activity of the iranian bank was introduced , a central license was issued, and with that, the iranian side will start its activities in syria as soon as possible within the next few weeks, approx. All items of commercial goods have been reduced to zero, and the import will be notified to the countrys customs, and exporters and importers can easily export or import to the country of origin and destination of iran and syria with the travel tariff. The seventh schedule bill in this mornings meeting, other materials from this bill was examined. To know the details of the approvals of todays meeting, talk with the reporter of sed and sima news agency. What approvals did the commission have . Hello , mr. Amir rezaei, and greetings to all the viewers of the 14th season of the seventh program. And what is in the power of the desired chapter is the condition of the survival of the health system, the material that they will examine today in connection with the increase of peoples satisfaction with the health and Health Services in the health and treatment system of the country is suitable for the promotion of the health and Treatment Services as well Health Economy was getting attention today, among the members of the Program Consolidation commission , there is one of the approvals related to the reduction of the expenses of iranians from paying the expenses until the end of the seventh program, from john zanganeh, the spokesperson of the program commission. The treatment reduces that in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. Greetings to you and the dear people of iran. Today, as you said, finally, it was decided that article 70 will reduce the share of treatment costs from the peoples pockets to 30 by the end of the program, which is almost twice as much now. On average in addition to that, the establishment of the Family Doctor program and the referral system for the entire population of iran was mandated to be carried out until the end of the government program. There are very good clauses in the policies announced by the Supreme Leader in the field of treatment and peoples problems, that when people go to medical centers, some work and Induction Service codes are imposed on them. Mother Laboratory Services we approved one of the clauses today that the ministry of health is obliged to standardize the provision of medical services and reduce false and induced services by the end of the first year of the program and to issue medical Service Standards and drug prescription guidelines. Monitor the additional and false information about the countrys health. It goes back to the fact that the government spends a lot on insurance for the people. Unfortunately, because we are sometimes the poets of false services, the people unfortunately have problems in the field of treatment. Two mandatory clauses we made it possible to standardize and after these doctors can refer the patient to specific term centers for any disease and then he said that the government is obliged to monitor these indicators as well. God willing, by the end of the program, we will reduce peoples expenses in the field of treatment, provide emergency equipment for the red crescent, we have seen a series of requirements for the government that in our annual budget, we can reduce the shortage of Emergency Services, Emergency Services and preventive services, as well as the field of the red crescent during your program. Please that in in fact, this morning, paying attention to the economy of health, paying attention to people being able to receive appropriate services in the field of health and hygiene, the meeting of the Consolidation Commission to review the 7th program continued today in the evening, and the responsibility of ms. Nouri , a reporter of the sda news agency, was pointed out by the order of the minister of oil. The implementation of the law on the fuel chain line was notified to the company of the ministry of oil, according to paragraph fit, note 11 of the budget law of 1402, the ministry of oil, with the provision of 8 thousand billion tomans , is obliged to set up a system for monitoring the fuel chain, on the 13yearold legal chain line, which the governments one after another but it was implemented, but in practice, with the implementation of this law in the oil industry, the chain of production to the consumption of Petroleum Products is put under the microscope at each stage. The previous actions were carried out, and 70 points, which do not cover the entire chain, were determined. 70 points in the previous government decreased to 13. 3 points, and the executive file is still done in this years budget law, 8 thousand billion tomans for the design, supply of parts and the implementation of the Monitoring System on the predicted line, the implementation of this plan for one year and with breakfast budget of one thousand billion tomans in National Iranian oil company is 2 thousand billion tomans refining and Distribution Company of 27 thousand billion tomans was started in the National Gas Company of iran. With the order of the minister of oil, the Subsidiary Companies of this ministry started the implementation of this law and based on this, 588 points were identified, out of which 216 points were prioritized for equipping and they were connected to the smart system. The Parliament Says that it is monitoring this law, but we are in egypt, and because of our own supervisory duty, and in order to do this, the signs, according to the issues that exist now, are the weighing devices of some of our refineries, their input lines and feed. Their entry is not the same as their exit when the law comes on the complete fuel chain line, every liter of fuel can be monitored from the refinery to the pipeline and tanker from the tanker to the station tank from the station tank to the license plate vehicle, this is how you can understand how many liters of gasoline or diesel are lost or smuggled daily. Mohammad almasi sada news agency. Sima, the spokesperson of the flour and bread subsidy smart plan, says that the flour and Bread Council of the province has been given the authority to fix the price of bread according to the provincial conditions, and if the government pays 40 subsidy to the bakers , it will not cover the costs of the bakers, the provincial council can price determine the bread, one thread with one grain the other weight that you can see here is sticky because it shows a heavier weight, underselling and overselling in bakeries, 85 grams is missing in everything, that is, every 6 rules has another one, which gives the simple price to the chicken for 800 years. Which is 1800, not 394 149, 50 grams is underselling, which some gentlemen say is rooted in the discrepancy between income and expenditure, showing selfinterest to compensate for expenses, overselling, underselling and overselling, dissatisfied with the revolution, the conditions with which the buyer is satisfied and not the seller, but the title is open at the same rate, 1,400 fines are imposed from the price of a month ago, the spokesman of their subsidy smart plan said that the power to restore the price of bread was given to the flour and Bread Council of the provinces and it is in their power, and decisions should be made in the working Group Meetings of which the union itself is a member. Music now in Khorasan Razavi province the price range of 2,750 tons of our bread has reached 500 tomans, 600 tomans is currently being processed in some others, there is also a price, and finally, there are other cases where the allowances that can be made due to the changes in the rates that the Authorities Say are behind it improves the economy of letters and thus prevents the prices of b it is a rule and short sale, the price set by you, the allowances have increased , the set of works will lead to the fact that we will see this short sale and high sale, and the management will see a serious reduction. Hopefully, it will also be approved. The coverage is over 100 . News agency of a knowledgebased company has managed to localize the device that separates sand and waste from waste. This company has been designing and manufacturing machines for Paper Production lines for several years. Is in the first stage for the production of paper from waste requires a device that separates the waste cartons into pulp and sand from the production line. The cartons are pulped by a curtain pulping machine without chemicals, but another device is needed to separate the sand. The world has a device called doctora, betting there, packages, balers, packages are opened, contemporary sand is separated, a device that, if it is not there, the quality of the Paper Production line will decrease and the top copy will be torn, maintaining the pulping machines is an important parameter, because if the sand is yogurt and dont remove the sand from the machine, it will become a paste copper contaminates and destroys the machines on the pulping route. Today, the line speed of the machines is over 400 meters, and every time something is done to read the tear , they grow again. Minutes can be timeconsuming. Previously, workers were used to solve this problem, but with the production of this device, time and money were saved. With reverse engineering, you have the possibility of designing. You also need to reverse engineer the device and optimize the design itself, optimize and update. It is clear when the pulp machine is a sludge maker on the slow side and to improve the quality of paper since the time of the movie, we have removed the russian lathe machine and improved the quality of the production line, improving the quality of the Paper Production lines at a lower cost brings exports 40 below the european price with african countries, turkey the negotiation regarding the complete head production line means the design, construction, installation and commissioning of this machine was one of the products of the Paper Production line, which this knowledgebased company was able to bring to the production stage by acquiring technical knowledge. And urban development of mr. Khosrow, the student to the position of deputy urban planning and Architecture Ministry of roads and urban development appointed a student to replace farzaneh sadegh, who has been the deputy and secretary of the Supreme Council of urban planning and architecture since 2017. According to the decree of appointment of mr. Student, helping to provide land for the National Housing movement is the First Mission and a mission that when it is possible to determine the assignment of 24,000 hectares of land, it has been delayed. Almost two years have passed since the promulgation of the law on the jump in housing production, out of the total of 68,057 hectares of land proposed for the annexation of land to cities , only 1,916 hectares have been annexed so far. Agents the delay in joining samin knows that a part of this device should be answered by the relationship. Answer by the water of the region. When the president stressed that the process should be accelerated, a year has passed, this is not acceptable. It really happened. Based on article 8 of the law on the surge in housing production, the review of land annexation cases is under review. It was one time in the Supreme Council of urban development for a month and in the second set. Amol is determined as the governor says that this law is not being paid attention to, where we have provided 72 plots of land for the city of damghan on the ring road, we went there and talked about this opportunity for a month and four months and discussed the correspondence and followup of irancells threemonth package in rafsanjan more than two months, less than a woman, inquiries should be made outside the ministry of roads and urban development or the general directorate of roads and urban development in the provinces. Two and a half months to three months, now we have to see the change of the deputy yesterday urban planning and architecture and the coming of khosro the student to replace mrs. Malvajerd, can he complete the Important Mission of providing land for the National Housing movement , the mission that is the first step to determine the assignment of 24,000 hectares of land . During the hot days of the year, the demand for electricity consumption has also increased, and according to the announcement of the electricity consumption management company, the demand for electricity consumption in the last 24 hours has reached 71,000 megawatts. The amount of demand how much was the electricity consumption, according to the heat of the air , it is possible that todays electricity consumption will exceed the quota of 72,000 megawatts. We are here, and the hottest days of summer and with the increase in heat have caused an increase in consumption, so that comparing today with yesterday, as you can see in the graph behind me in the picture , the graph is green compared to blue, which shows that we have an increase of about 1500 megawatts in consumption. Compared to yesterday, we are facing about 71 thousand megawatts todays consumption is estimated to be around 72,500 megawatts during peak hours. We are asking people to help us in these hot midsummer days during peak hours from 11 00 am to 5 00 pm and also from 7 00 pm. Until 22 nights, they should use less electricity unnecessarily, use gas and water coolers optimally, water coolers, and slow down the gas coolers and Central Cooling systems at a comfortable temperature. The network due to the increase in cooling costs can be reduced and we can have day and night figures in these days hot summer without problems and with the stability of the network, what should we do and the last word is to remember that Electrical Energy is precious energy, it is hard to get, in order to appreciate this valuable commodity, we have a duty to use it correctly. And prevent their unnecessary consumption and wastage. Thank you for your explanation. 30,000 employees to announce their intentions to their customers the company, which is the Largest Shipping Company in the history of the united states, has announced bankruptcy. It has announced that it has stopped all its activities since sunday. The ceo of this company said that despite billions of dollars in aid, it cannot manage its fast. The carrier has announced the cause of his problems. Thank you god, greetings again to you, dear viewers of the khabar channel. Yesterday, during the hottest hours of the day in ilam province , it reached 50 degrees above zero in dehlran, and the hottest station reported that , while among the centers, provinces temperature in ahvaz to it reached 49 degrees above zero and it was the warmest center of the province. At the beginning of this morning, the temperature reached 13 degrees above zero in the coolest hour in shahrekord, and the coolest center of the province was held. But as you can see in the temperature map, today and tomorrow in ardabil province and the Southern Shores of the caspian sea, we are observing the rising temperature in these areas until the last days of the week, we expect to witness the persistence of warm weather in other parts of the country, and we expect to see scattered rain in parts of alborz highlands today. Be as in the last pictures received you can also see from the Meteorological Satellite that cloudy skies are currently reported on the Southern Shores of the caspian sea, but in the afternoon and early night in the southern parts of sistan and baluchestan province, Hormozgan Province , the southern parts of kerman province, the southeastern parts of fars province, the value will increase. These areas received rains in the form of torrential rains along with dams and divided into sections. Due to the intensity of the rains , there is flooding of public roads and water levels in rivers and canals. Southern parts of sistan province and baluchistan, the northern and Eastern Heights of hormozgan, the Southern Heights of kerman, the southEastern Heights of fars province, the conditions of the decision today, late thursday, and due to the passage of waves from the northern parts of the country , in the northwestern parts of the Southern Shores of the caspian sea, to the heights of alborz, scattered showers will begin. On fridays, the rains will continue in the south and alborz highlands, and on saturday, the rains will continue in these areas. This saturday, the rains will be extended to the northeastern part of the country, where strong winds are expected in the next five days. In the northern part east of the eastern regions of the country, the southern slopes of alborz and the central regions, in some of them, the wind speed is high, with dust and dust in these areas, the phenomenon is dominant on wednesdays and thursdays in the southern parts of khorasan, razavi, south khorasan, the eastern belt of kerman and bakshish provinces. In the province of sistan and baluchistan, especially in the zabul region, we are witnessing an increase in wind speed, and in some years we are witnessing dust storms in these areas, which will lead to a decrease in air quality and a sharp decrease in the next 3 days due to the wind blowing in the eastern part. Oman sea, its materials , thank you for your attention , Artificial Intelligence is changing and advanced, but how is it being used in politics, or is it second nature, or is it believable . It is becoming too real. This technology that has enabled us to produce this thing has spread all over the world. Alltime lows videos portray fake futures believable acts as if a candidate said something when he never said it at the time the information a fake video gives us be negative and pure and to important institutions including politicians if it is relevant, the possibility of believing it will be higher. Video and audio videos made about a politician, if released the night before the election, can turn the page and determine who will vote, but we must know that these videos are not the best examples available. A gt product, tube game, giti credit, giti product warranty, in my opinion, it works very well for that place , the deer carpet, the material is very good, laundry room , dining room for 4 people, thats why it started there, otherwise our refrigerator is too old to buy half a billion tomans, that too in installments without a guarantor. Buy now pay later toman has increased in the great iranian palace, the iranian palace in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. Greetings to you, dear compatriots and honorable companions, the news network khabar farda and the day after tomorrow has been closed across the country. The government spokesman said that due to the increase in air temperature , the government delegation is closed to protect the health of the citizens. On wednesday and thursday across the country, the ministry of health had proposed a shutdown to the government. It can be treated. The ministry of health mentioned in the program on the first page, referring to the new heat wave in some parts of the country, that people should try

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