IPL franchise Delhi Capitals get Cipla Health on board
IPL franchise Delhi Capitals get Cipla Health on board. Image Source: IANS News
New Delhi, April 5 : Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Delhi Capitals on Monday announced a one-year association with Cipla Health's Maxirich, who will be the team's 'Immunity Partner' for this season.
"We are delighted to announce Maxirich (multi-vitamin supplement) as our official immunity partner," Delhi Capitals CEO Vinod Bisht said, adding, "Good health and strong immunity are of paramount importance in the ongoing pandemic.
"Delhi Capitals is committed towards safeguarding the health and wellness of our players and support staff, and Maxirich will help us ensure the same. I would like to thank everyone at Maxirich for extending their support to the team's ambition of winning the coveted trophy," said Bisht.