The news that Simone Biles dropped out of the team competition in the Olympics Tuesday morning sent shockwaves through the local gymnastics community."I was surprised when I first found out. I thought she would never do that," said gymnast Chloe Williams of Chow's Gymnastics and Dance. Williams is not alone.We spoke with a number of young gymnasts outside of Chow's in West Des Moines Tuesday morning.They say Biles was carrying the weight of USA gymnastics on her shoulders. Biles admitted in a post-competition news conference that she was not in the right place mentally to compete."Mental is not there," Biles said.The young gymnasts we spoke with know Biles was under a lot of pressure."I just think we all have our lows and our downs," said Chow's gymnast Caroline King.Despite some disappointment, Biles has not lost her idol status nor her importance and what she means to gymnastics."I feel like I wanted to be her," said Chow's gymnast Matayia Hixson.Related video: Mental health advocates react to Simone Biles withdrawing from Olympics