Jan 20 2021 Read 349 Times
Nivus offers the NivuFlow devices including a mobile phone modem with worldwide approval. The manufacturer’s IoT concept allows the operators to transmit data automatically in combination with many options for visualisation and logging. Readings and system data as well as error messages or alarms can be transmitted directly via mobile networks. Due to this extension, Nivus are able to provide faster service for devices. Remote maintenance, remote diagnostics and remote commissioning open new possibilities to reduce time-consuming journeys for service works to a minimum.
By using Nivus Connectivity, the Multiroam-SIM-Chip automatically uses the most powerful mobile network available. A benefit for operators is predictable costs since providers do not invoice roaming fees here. Data is provided on the Nivus WebPortal and can be transmitted to other systems if required. The data transmission complies with the IT security standards by DWA, DVGW and BSI.