Investigation into dead Yellowstone grizzly ongoing
Published on Mon, 07/05/2021 - 3:01pm
Monday, July 5, 2021
Bear No. 394, lies dead early June on the banks of the Yellowstone River near Corwin Springs. (Photo by George Bumann/
When high water on the Yellowstone River receded in early June, it revealed more than a few rearranged river stones — it also showed a dead grizzly bear, tagged No. 394, on a small island near Corwin Springs. The bear could be seen easily from rafts, the highway and several riverside homes.
The bear was scheduled to be removed by Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. But before the bear could be removed, paws and skull of the grizzly were cut off. This prompted the Fish and Wildlife service to open an investigation, said Morgan Jacobsen the FWP Information and Education Program Manager. Jacobsen also confirmed that the bear was a 25-year-old male.