To which item it meets--article 4 paragraph xx:17
Date of events:2021/05/28
2.Shareholders meeting date:2021/06/08
3.Shareholders meeting location:
4.Cause for convening the meeting (1)Reported matters:
4.1 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. Board of Directors report of 2020
4.2 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. Board of Supervisors report of 2020
4.3 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. annual report of 2020
4.4 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. Financial final report of 2020
5.Cause for convening the meeting (2)Acknowledged matters:None
6.Cause for convening the meeting (3)Matters for Discussion:
6.1 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. proposes distribution of profits of 2020
6.2 Foxconn Industrial Internet Co.,Ltd. Daily related transaction forecastof 2021