1 A ticker symbol ending with ".U" represents U.S.-dollar-denominated units. USD units of these ETFs are offered as a convenience for investors who wish to purchase with U.S. dollars and receive distributions and the proceeds of sale or redemption in U.S. dollars. The USD units are not hedged against changes in the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the U.S. dollar.
The tax composition of the Invesco ETFs' distributions will be determined on an annual basis and will be available only after the Invesco ETFs' tax year-end.
2 Invesco ESG Canadian Core Plus Bond ETF (formerly Invesco Tactical Bond ETF) changed its investment objectives and strategies on October 30, 2020. Under its previous objectives and strategies, it did not apply any environmental, social or governance (ESG) criteria to its investments. The performance of this ETF for the period prior to this date would have been different had the current investment objectives and strategies been in place during that period.