Intro to Instructional Systems Design: Q&A With Chuck Hodell
While the instructional design field has been around for a long time, it is only within the last 30 years that it has emerged more as a discipline with educational courses, resources, and methodologies.
Introduction to Instructional Systems Design by ID expert Chuck Hodell offers a comprehensive textbook that provides the prerequisites every instructional designer needs to get started in the profession.
What made you realize that the ISD or instructional design field needed a textbook? The idea came to me when I started teaching this almost 30 years ago. There were many resources that addressed instructional systems design but no one book that an instructor or professor could use to teach a course from. There were a lot of really great books—Gagne’s, Merrill’s, and Kemp’s. But if you wanted to teach this, especially at the graduate level or for folks who hadn’t had a lot of experience in ISD, one had to amalgamate and review many different books and resources to create a reading list and curriculum from which to teach—one that would give students a solid background in instructional design.