In his study on this subject, David Elber demonstrates that the UN has no possession of territorial sovereignty and therefore cannot decree the allocation of a territory over which it has no sovereignty (on the basis of the universal principle of law

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Morocco ,Iran ,India ,Israel ,Afghanistan ,Japan ,Athens ,Attikír ,Greece ,Lebanon ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,West Bank ,China ,Cairo ,Al Qahirah ,Egypt ,Germany ,Slovak Republic ,Russia ,Paris ,France General ,France ,Iraq ,Versailles ,Îe De France ,Mediterranean Sea ,Oceans General ,Oceans ,Jordan River ,Israel General ,United States ,Gaza ,Berlin ,Golan Heights ,Syria General ,Syria ,Jerusalem ,Yemen ,Jordan ,Arab League ,State Of Israel ,British ,Israelis ,Egyptian ,Yemenites ,Israeli ,Palestine ,Japanese ,Iranians ,French ,Transjordan ,Lebanese ,Germans ,Englishmen ,German ,Czechoslovakia ,Britain ,Moroccans ,Great Britain ,America ,Ruhollah Khomeini ,Manuel Musalam ,Amin El Husseini ,Moshe Pearlman ,David Elber ,Comprendere Eurabia ,Losservatore Romano ,Judenrein Palestinian ,Palestinian Jews ,Abdul Rahman Azzam ,Amin Al Husseini ,Salomone Belforte ,Manuel Bompard ,Chaim Weizmann ,Heinrich Himmler ,Jacques Chirac ,Yasser Arafat ,Akhbar Al Yom ,Georges Clemenceau ,Higher Arab Committee Palestinian National Movement ,French Catholic Church ,National Socialist Party ,Jewish National Home ,Arab Higher Committee ,European Economic Community ,Council Of The League ,Fairleigh Dickinson Univ ,Japanese Embassy ,European Union ,Bank Or Golan Heights ,Journal Of The European Union On ,Bank Israeli ,United Nations ,United Nations Special Commission For Palestine ,Palestinian Authority ,Latin Church ,French President Jacques Chirac ,Getty Images ,Sonia Mabrouk ,Official Journal ,East Jerusalem ,Golan Height ,British Mandate ,Grand Mufti ,Haj Amin El Husseini ,Higher Arab Committee ,Palestinian Arab National Movement ,World Jewry ,Balfour Declaration ,Radio Berlin ,World War ,General Assembly ,United Nations Special Commission ,Mandatory Power ,Ottoman Empire ,San Remo Resolution ,First World War ,Jewish National ,Lord Balfour ,Palestine Mandate ,Muslim Nazi ,Jewish State ,Middle East ,L Osservatore Romano ,Holy Land ,Pope Pius ,Euro Arab Dialogue ,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ,Venice Declaration ,Arab States ,Camp David Agreements ,General Committee ,Eastern Churches ,Pavlovian Islamist ,Father Manuel Musalam ,New Testament ,Third Reich ,Euro Arab Axis ,Coming Universal Caliphate ,Oriental Jewry ,Free Speech ,Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press ,International Law Or Antisemitism ,

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