A Lake Howell High School father is pleading for less violence at all local schools.“A lot of innocent kids that are getting bullied by three to four to five to six kids,” Anthony said. The father has decided to only go by his first name for privacy. He is disgusted with an Instagram page where students are encouraged to share videos of fights from Lake Howell High School.“We'd prefer that anyone posting to that account to cease doing that, it's obviously not a behavior we want to encourage,” the school’s spokesperson Michael Lawrence said.The district says most clips are a year or two old. The father says it's because he monitors the page and communicates directly with Instagram to take down the most recent videos.“Still disturbing that there's an Instagram account about that. We'll see if there's anything we can do, if anything, to get that removed,” Lawrence said.While the district says there's little it can do about social media pages promoting fighting, it can work to reduce violence on campus. Seminole County Schools said that is something it's working to do.“Upgraded security cameras, they have a lot more mental health counseling going on at that school,” Lawrence said.The school also has limited campus access before and after school and added staff in hallways and common areas at lunch and between periods. The school reminds students they can report trouble anonymously. Anthony says his son has been targeted twice.“The first time was worse than the second, where he couldn’t eat or it was hard to eat because his jaw was swollen in that instance,” Anthony said.He’s hoping for safer surroundings.