Vadodara: While surfing Instagram stories, 26-year-old Pinkesh Parmar had seen a short video of a jewellery shop being looted in some city of the country.
Taking a cue from the video, Parmar had executed a robbery in a jewellery showroom in the Khodiyarnagar area of the city on Wednesday. The crime branch sleuths arrested Parmar and his three accomplices late on Wednesday night and recovered the three robbed gold chains too.
Pinkesh told he police that his three accomplices were under debt and hence they decided to rob Vallabh Darshan Jewellery shop that is located on the ground floor of Shreeji Plaza. “We scanned the CCTV footage of the incident and noticed that the customer sitting inside didn’t give react at all when Pinkesh entered the shop and robbed the gold chains. We grilled him for some time and he spilled the beans,” said Jaydeepsinh Jadeja, DCP (crime).