Inside the most exclusive club in town
By Kimberley Lestieux,
in Lisbon ·
09-07-2021 01:00:00 · 0 Comments
Since the end of the Second World War, the American Club of Lisbon has cultivated social and business relations between Americans and Portuguese in Lisbon. Today, the club continues to promote “goodwill and understanding” among all expats and travellers in Portugal.
Started in 1945, the humble beginnings of the American Club of Lisbon took place in a politically neutral Portugal, where a group of American businessmen residing in the country, decided to meet up to discuss business opportunities post war. In the next couple of years, arriving entrepreneurs and American diplomats joined the group. While the organisation gained new members and a constitution in 1947, the goal always remained “to cultivate social relations among American residents and travellers in Lisbon and non-Americans with definite American interests”. Today, the club has several hundreds of members and has expanded to forty other locations around the world, continuing to promote “goodwill and understanding between people and cultures”.