Reinventing mainstream education
Green School International (GSI) is a network of eco-friendly, private international schools attempting to reinvent traditional schooling for 21st-century students.
Launched in 2008 in Ubud, Bali, Green School today spans Indonesia, New Zealand and South Africa with its "holistic" approach to education.
"When we started the school, we had no idea what we were doing. But we were pretty adamant we wanted to do something different," said co-founders John and Cynthia Hardy.
Green School International
A bird's-eye view of the Green School Bali in Ubud, Indonesia.
Growing up in Canada with learning difficulties, John was disillusioned by mainstream education from a young age and saw it as too regimented. So when it came to choosing a school for their daughters, the North American couple decided to break the mold and create their own.