email article
Rohin Francis, MBBS, takes a look back at that time doctors injected themselves with cocaine in the name of science.
Following is a rough transcript:
Rohin Francis, MBBS: Good evening and welcome back to the
Old England Journal of Medicine. It's off to the former colonies today, as recently I had the sterling fortune to while away an evening with two gentlemen from the North American continent -- of course, one of whom has recently taken up appointment here in Great Britain, a Sir William Osler, with whose work no doubt many of you will be familiar.
Syrup-guzzling Canadians are mostly tolerable company, but he insisted on bringing with him one of those uncouth Americans, a certain Dr. William Halsted, who by jove is a ruddy addict. A fine surgeon no doubt, but gadzooks, man. He was buzzing like a canary with his chuff in the snuff. Osler told me in confidence that the blighter is unable to operate unless he has injected cocaine, to mention nothing of the three grains of morphine that has become his daily ritual, according to my wife, who spoke with his wife, who overheard his valet's wife.