Indiana, PA WCCS AM1160 & 101.1FM
Dec 24, 2020 5:31 AM
The public comment period for the state’s possible entry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – also known as RGGI opened on November 7
th. As of yesterday, more than 3,000 people had registered their opinion on whether or not Pennsylvania should join the cap-and-trade coalition of states in the compact, which Senator Joe Pittman and Representative Jim Struzzi say will force the shutdown of coal-fired power plants such as the Homer City Generating Station, the Keystone plant in Shelocta, and the Conemaugh plant across the Conemaugh River from New Florence.
A look inside the responses shows 87 people from Indiana County have filed comments so far. We included those with Seward and New Florence addresses because they could be residents of either Indiana or Westmoreland County.