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The India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA), signed by both countries on February 22, 2021, has entered into force from today. The CECPA is the first trade Agreement signed by India with a country in Africa. It will provide greater market access for several Indian products at concessional duties in Mauritius.
"Both sides have completed their internal legal procedures and the India-Mauritius CECPA will enter into force on Thursday, 01 April 2021," India's ministry of commerce and industry said in a statement.
The CECPA is a limited agreement covering Trade in Goods, Rules of Origin, Trade in Services, Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures, Dispute Settlement, Movement of Natural Persons, Telecom, Financial services, Customs Procedures, and Cooperation in other Areas.