In-person worship resumes at full capacity across California
The state eliminated capacity restrictions this week, allowing churches like Rock Church to fully reopen although it encouraged safety precautions.
Author: Brandon Lewis
Updated: 6:19 PM PDT April 18, 2021
SAN DIEGO — In-person services resumed at Rock Church’s campuses across San Diego County on Sunday for the first time since the start of the pandemic. Last week, California eliminated capacity restrictions on churches and houses of worship after several Supreme Court rulings. It still encouraged them to keep other precautions in place.
“Being online is great but being with other believers in person has a different feeling to it and I think it’s great to be able to be back in person,” said Ebenezer Badger, who has attended Rock Church for the past eight years. “It’s different seeing [Pastor Miles McPherson] in person and hearing the message in person and being with other believers and I felt like the message, as good as it is online, is even better in person.”