Country Life
Credit: Callaway Arts and Entertainment
Michaelangelo's great masterpiece, the frescoes that adorn the ceiling and walls of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, has been reproduced in a quite extraordinary volume of books. Annunciata Elwes takes a look.
A gargantuan three-volume publication depicting Michelangelo and other Renaissance Masters’ works from the Sistine Chapel in 1:1 scale has been produced as part of the Vatican’s ongoing conservation work, in an English-language edition of 600.
Credit: Callaway Arts and Entertainment
Already dubbed ‘the museum without walls’ and ‘probably the most lavish book produced in the western world’, the 822-page, 24in by 17in trilogy was created using 270,000 images, colour matched to 99.4% accuracy, taken by photographers over the course of 67 nights, digitally stitched together with 3D reconstruction software.