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IIT Madras NPTEL translates thousands of technical courses into multiple vernacular languages of India :
IIT Madras NPTEL translates thousands of technical courses into multiple vernacular languages of India
CHENNAI : IIT Madras NPTEL has translated to Hindi Language as many as 207 technical courses including the highly sought-after courses like ‘Introduction to Internet of Things’. To ensure the accuracy and quality of translations, NPTEL has a team of
Related Keywords
Tamil Nadu
Abhijitp Deshpande
Prachi Agarwal
Rajesh Kumar
Department Of Chemical Engineering
Department Of Humanities
Sanskriti University
School Of Management
National Programme On Technology Enhanced
Ministry Of Education Moe Government India
S Ia College Of Higher Education Dombivli
Hindi Language
Computer Science
Social Sciences
Electrical Engineering
Machine Learning
Chemical Engineering
National Programme
Technology Enhanced Learning
Sandhya Pandey
Higher Education Dombivli
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