Tue, 07, 21
Recently curated a show inviting 9 artists under the umbrella to explicate, explore and experiment with the theme of water...
art review
It is said that an artist can express stories in a million unique ways. Quddus Mirza, an ace artist, and critic, recently curated a show inviting 9 artists under the umbrella to explicate, explore and experiment with the theme of water.
When you first enter, eyes instantly fall upon an installation fixed right in the centre of the gallery’s wall. This peculiar installation seemed like some magical board which showcased the spiritual words, ‘Your God Morphed’. Rabeeha Adnan is drawing attention to a crucial issue surfacing in the society but has become so relatable that one seldom pays heed to it; the issue of following bogus religious institutes and people who claim to be the stakeholders of religion. Divided into many sectors, these people have made religion into a mockery where anything could be said, believed, and followed blindly. Rabeeha brilliantly and clearly put her thoughts into words. She expressed her apprehension for these critical issues which have spread be wilderness in the society leading the upcoming generation towards perplexity which eventually leads to nowhere, but a dead end. She bravely hinted at how these imposters could have thousands of reasons borrowed from multiple religious’ institutions to fit their reasoning.