I-Chu is here, with the exact same bloated cast of too many boys harboring the exact same gimmicky personalities. Am I stuck in a timewarp? Will some force compel me to watch the rest of the show? Am I going to be stuck watching bland boy idol shows with overlarge casts for the rest of forever?
I don't want to say, “All boy idol series are the same,” because it seems rude to people who like them, but as someone who doesn't especially engage with that particular genre, they do tend to blur together. There's a central group who gets a bit more development, usually with an overenthusiastic leader with the kanji for “star” in his name. The secondary groups all have a gimmick, and their members all have about one personality trait each. The dialogue is hokey and is mostly predicated on spouting lines that reveal that trait, rather than authentic human connections or emotions.