New Delhi: Minister for Fisheries, Agriculture, horticulture and Veterinary, Arunachal Pradesh Shri Tage Taki inaugurated the Aquaculture Technology Park in Papum Pare, Agro Eco, Sonajuli on 7th March 2020. The technology park is an unique initiative of ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, which is aimed to bring in all the viable aquaculture technologies of the institute in a single location for better technology demonstration and knowledge dissemination. This is first of its kind in India.
ICAR-CIFA reach out to the farmers for demonstrating the proven technologies, so that they can produce more fish, increase their income and improve their livelihood. The institute has put enormous effort for the development under privileged communities especially Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe people across the country and is working in the North-eastern Hil (NEH) region for the during the last 21 years, made a significant impact in the freshwater aquaculture in different states through the technological innovations. As a part of the NEH development programme, CIFA has initiated the Aquaculture Technology Park in the farm of Shri Tana Nekam Tara, a progressive farmer, Papum Pare Agro Eco from Sonajuli. The integrated farm complex has agriculture, horticulture and livestock crops, ICAR-CIFA has started the aquaculture technology interventions during 2004, Shri Tana ji has slowly adopted CIFA’s technologies over the years. At present the farm has facilities to breed more than 13 fish species. It has hatcheries, seed rearing facilities, growout ponds in an integrated style. To scale up the initiative and to create an impact with the society, CIFA has initiated an Aquaculture Technology Park. The park will have an Aquaculture Field School also to impart skill training to the farmers. Additionally, the park will have a mini-feed mill, ornamental fisheries unit, soil testing unit etc. Earlier during 2nd to 3rd March 2021, freshwater pearl culture training was conducted by Dr Shailesh Saurabh, Scientist of ICAR-CIFA, fifteen farmers participated in the training.