I think change is on the way: Bruce Pascoe
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When I meet Bruce Pascoe before Christmas for lunch, it’s a late one, as he’s flown in from Mallacoota, where he lives on his 65-hectare farm. But even at 3pm, the City Wine Shop and the CBD are bustling, post-lockdown.
“It’s a bit busier than Mallacoota,” Pascoe remarks. “Melbourne seems to be enjoying itself already.”
Pascoe is in the big smoke to talk about his new book,
Loving Country, A Guide To Sacred Australia, which he co-authored with artist and photographer Vicky Shukuroglou; after lunch he’s off to Readings for a book launch – over Zoom. He’s well-accustomed to the medium, having sometimes done three a day during lockdown, promoting other books he released in 2020, and attending online board meetings with his local Aboriginal community.