Thursday, 01 April 2021
GenComm project partners, National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), Dublin City University and HyEnergy, have published a new report into the opportunities presented by hydrogen in Northern Ireland's green energy transition.
The report was funded by Northern Ireland’s Department for the Economy to contribute to the evidence base for the development of a new Energy Strategy.
The report reviews progress Northern Ireland is making towards its decarbonization goals, its unique challenges, and opportunities, and identifies the potential roles for hydrogen in enabling greater renewable energy deployment, through energy storage and reduced curtailment and sector coupling. It then identifies energy demand sectors that hydrogen could help in decarbonizing, such as buses, trains, and its use in the gas grid for heating. The research team presents the results of case studies for green hydrogen, hydrogen produced by electrolysis powered by renewable electricity, deployment in Northern Ireland in 2030.