HUNDREDS of people have commented on the East of Otley consultation which finishes this week.
The consortium behind the scheme, which includes 550 homes, say the response to the consultation has been excellent, with thousands of views of the website.
The consultation is being undertaken by the Otley East Consortium - a group of organisations working together to deliver the mixed use allocation. Members responsible for bringing forward the hybrid development are Leeds City Council, Persimmon Homes and Lovell Homes. Further phases of the development scheme may be brought forward by other landowners and companies included within the consortium.
A spokesman said: "The current public engagement process is taking place to highlight the scheme and advertise the process, prior to the submission of a formal planning application to the local authority. It provides an opportunity for residents, stakeholders and interest groups to tell the East of Otley Consortium what is important to them in the emerging proposals. "The development is proposed to come forward with a detailed planning application for the relief road, the first phase of residential development, the relocation of sports pitches, landscaping and open space and outline permission for the balance of the allocated site.