Hubbard County increases solid waste fees
The Hubbard County Board chose a $5 increase to the residential solid waste assessment, or $154 per parcel. This article has been corrected to reflect that there were no tipping fee increases.
4:33 pm, Dec. 25, 2020
The Hubbard County Board approved a small increase to 2021 solid waste assessments at their Dec. 15 meeting.
County Solid Waste Administrator Josh Holte originally proposed increasing the assessment for year-round/seasonal residential from $149 to $160, an $11 jump.
The board asked Holte to review his budget and find a solution for no increases.
“The big reason, initially, for looking at increasing the solid waste assessment is we’re looking at a $10 per ton increase in our tipping fees in Polk County, so we’re going from $65 per ton up to $75 per ton,” Holte explained.