Focus Transport Wishes You a Happy Christmas & New Year.Many thanks to all who visit our site and who have contributed during the year. Our viewing figures go from strength, with us recently passing the 2.9 million mark since we began in 2011.We plan to take a short break over the Christmas period, but if important news comes along we will keep you informed. In the meantime please enjoy this particular edition which is somewhat more lengthy than normal.
2020 will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. The devastation caused by the Corona virus has made its mark on the travel industry. Other businesses and industry plus most other things in our lives have been similarly affected.This has been re-written three times in the space of two weeks. Vaccinations are underway but we don't know whether the virus can be controlled by the vaccine or how the new version of the disease will impact. The very latest restrictions will impact heavily on those who intended to visit family and friends over the Christmas period. Train and coach companies had planned for large numbers of people travelling - will these extra services still be required? We've never ever faced so much uncertainty in our lives.The transport industry has faced upheaval of great magnitude. How do you work out what resources to provide with government advice saying "don't travel by public transport" even though it is still expected to provide facilities for essential users. Some financial help has been forthcoming to rail and bus companies - coach operators in N Ireland and Scotland have been offered funding, but none so far for coach operators in England and Wales. How do these companies plan investment for the future, if they have a future? Will passenger levels ever return and if so will rail, bus and coach manufacturers still be in existance and be ready to step up production again?