How writing saved my life â twice
After being mugged, crime author Chris Whitaker found himself unable to cope with the trauma. Putting his thoughts down on paper helped â then disaster struck again
Londonâs financial district, where Chris Whitaker worked as a stockbroker. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Londonâs financial district, where Chris Whitaker worked as a stockbroker. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
Fri 11 Dec 2020 07.00 EST
Last modified on Fri 18 Dec 2020 07.24 EST
Iâve always struggled with the concept of asking for help. To me it seems like acknowledging a failure, raising a hand and declaring myself inadequate. Mental health is in the news every day; in theory itâs never been more acceptable to talk about it, yet I still feel nervous as I write this. On the surface I am eternally positive. Iâm someone who likes making people laugh. I joke around a lot. Thatâs the me I like people to see, and to remember. But I also have the ability to self-destruct in spectacular style.