If Your Instagram Stories Keep Freezing, Here's How to Fix It Once and For All
It's common for apps to crash and freeze, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Instagram has released countless updates to fix bugs and keep the app from glitching, but sometimes, it's inevitable. Luckily, there are ways to stop Instagram Stories from freezing, and they're easier than you might think.
First, let's address some roots of this problem. If your WiFi signal is not strong or secure, this can cause your smartphone to lose bits of information, thus resulting in apps taking forever to load and/or causing Instagram to freeze. If your phone hasn't been turned off in a while, this could also have something to do with it. Additionally, if Instagram's caches haven't been cleared in a while, you could run into some problems there. Now, how exactly do you fix these problems? Well, that depends on what kind of phone you have.