Prince Albert Daily Herald
by Jackie Bantle
Saskatchewan Perennial Society
Wild strawberries have been eaten by people around the world since ancient times. The modern strawberry that is popular today,
Fragaria ananassa, originated from crosses of two New World species of strawberries,
Fragaria chiloensis (originating in Chile) and
Fragaria virginiana (originating in North America).
For Prairie gardens, three main types of strawberries are recommended: June-bearing, ever-bearing and day-neutral. Overwintering June-bearing strawberries produce flowers in spring and fruit is ready to be picked in late June and early July (about a 3 week fruiting time). The runners that the plants send out in fall will produce and fruit for the following summer. Common June-bearing strawberry cultivars include; ‘Kent’, ‘Bounty’, ‘Honeoye’ and ‘Cavendish’.