How one young activist wants to topple the 'many barriers' BIPOC communities face in accessing outdoor recreation
Kamilah Newton
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Nyaruot Nguany, cofounder of the Maine Environmental Changemakers Network. (Illustration by Nathalie Cruz for Yahoo Life)
In honor of Earth Day 2021, Yahoo Life is profiling some of the many advocates leading the charge to save the planet today: young BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color) activists fighting for climate justice through an intersectional lens.
Nyaruot Nguany, 28
Born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and raised in Portland, Maine, Nyaruot (Nay-root), through collaborating with the Maine Environmental Education Association, helped form the Maine Environmental Changemakers Network, intersecting environmental justice with social justice. Today she's working towards her Wilderness First Responder certification and Maine Guide license.