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nd states of the American union. Since both are completely dominated by Leftist politics and politicians, that would guarantee four more Democrat senators, additional Democrat members of Congress, and additional guaranteed Democrat electoral college votes in future presidential elections. If they succeed, they may well give up all of their belly aching and complaining about the electoral college and threats of abolishing it. It will become yet another constitutional rubber stamp of approval for any and all acts of governmental tyranny.
If the Democrats, who I prefer to label Demo-Bolsheviks succeed, they will be following a precedent established by Lincoln and the Republicans during the War to Prevent Southern Independence. Lincoln first orchestrated the addition of the last slave state to enter the union – West Virginia. His policy was always that any state could keep its slaves as long as its citizens kept paying federal taxes and obeying Washington, D.C.’s dictates, especially those that called for higher taxes. West Virginia was explicitly exempted from the Emancipation Proclamation right in the text of the documnt, as were all other areas of the South where the Union Army was in control at the time. This guaranteed that the Proclamation would emancipate no one.