On 1 December 2020, the 900-ton instrument platform of the Arecibo Observatory crashed into its dish, which is cradled in a natural sinkhole.
How the famed Arecibo telescope fell—and how it might rise again
Jan. 14, 2021 , 11:52 AM
In the early morning of 10 August 2020, Sravani Vaddi, a postdoc astronomer at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, was working from home, but her thoughts were at Arecibo’s giant radio telescope. At 2 a.m., she had one precious hour to focus the 305-meter dish on NGC 7469, a distant galaxy. At its center, two supermassive black holes wheeled around each other, following an earlier galaxy merger. Vaddi wanted to see whether having two dark hearts instead of the usual one made the galaxy shine more brightly by stirring up gases and stoking starbirth. Radio emissions from the glowing gases would help her find out.