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How coincidental deaths of elderly people could fuel disinformation about Covid-19 vaccine :
How coincidental deaths of elderly people could fuel disinformation about Covid-19 vaccine
How coincidental deaths of elderly people could fuel disinformation about Covid-19 vaccine
The i
Nick Duffy
© Provided by The i
Bad actors could seize upon the likely spate of coincidental deaths among those prioritised for the vaccine (Photo: Steve Parsons/PA Wire)
The roll-out of the coronavirus vaccine to the elderly may lead to a wave of disinformation when recipients die of entirely unrelated conditions, experts have warned.
The first doses of Covid-19 vaccine in the UK are being prioritised for those aged over 80. Given their advanced age, a portion of those first in line for the vaccine will statistically have only a short time left to live, unconnected from Covid-19.
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United Kingdom
Stuart Mcdonald
Steve Parsons
Marianna Spring
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