McConnell Opposes Commission to Investigate Capitol Riot
Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, said Wednesday that he opposed a bipartisan plan to create a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
I’ve made the decision to oppose the House Democrats’ slanted an unbalanced proposal for another commission to study the events of January the 6th. As everybody surely knows, I repeatedly made my views about the events of Jan. 6 very clear. I spoke clearly and left no doubt about my conclusions. So there is, has been and there will continue to be no shortage, no shortage of robust investigations by two separate branches of the federal government. So, Mr. President, it’s not at all clear what new facts or additional investigation yet another commission could actually lay on top of existing efforts by law enforcement and Congress. The facts have come out and they’ll continue to come out. What is clear is that House Democrats have handled this proposal in partisan bad faith, going right back to the beginning. From initially offering a laughably partisan starting point, to continue to insist on various other features under the hood that are designed to centralize control over the commission’s process, and its conclusions in Democratic hands.