April 04, 2021
DOBSON — Surry County Schools will be holding a virtual job recruitment event on Thursday, April 8, spread across three sessions. Prospective employees can learn more about a career with Surry County Schools in either of the sessions, set for 9 a.m., 12 p.m. and 5p.m.
Surry County Schools is the largest employer in Surry County, and positions are available for teachers, teacher assistants, school nutrition, and transportation. Prospective employees are asked to select the time that works best for their schedule on April 8 and join the event via Google Meet at meet.google.com/wwx-yyvj-xan.
For more information about Surry County Schools, visit the Surry County Schools website at www.surry.k12.nc.us or follow us on social media. Surry County Schools is an equal opportunity employer.