SAUK COUNTY, Wis. — In just the past week, there have been seven reported incidents of road buckling happening in Sauk County. Most of them happening on U.S. Highway 12 near Baraboo.
“That’s something we are trying to figure out. In fact we have a small team of pavement engineers and that’s their specialty to look at something like this,” said Wisconsin DOT Roadway Maintenance Supervisor John Marchewka.
That stretch of highway had extensive work done on it within the past five years, according to Marchewka. The DOT is looking into why this particular stretch of road is having such major issues with the roads buckling. According to the DOT, the road buckling in the past week happened at US 12 Mile Markers 214, 215, 216, 221 and on I-90/94 at mile marker 98. Marchewka said every time a report of road buckling comes in, the lanes are closed for a couple hours.