When you cash the parlay on May 4th#MayThe4thBeWithYoupic.twitter.com/YiyNqvUrCY
2016: A New Hope
2024: The Return of The MAGA???#MayThe4thBeWithYou
But the folks at the Alabama Public Health Twitter tried to use the day to push mask-wearing. It did not go well.
Darth Vader wears a mask to help himself. Thank you for continuing to #WearAMask to help those around you. #MayThe4thBeWithYoupic.twitter.com/5KVRdWLXcv
Now, what this revealed is that the person behind the Twitter account hasn’t watched Star Wars or has missed a few critical points.
First of all, making your mask hero a genocidal killer probably isn’t the best idea. He killed kids, used the force to choke people, blew up a planet, and chopped off his son’s hand – and those are just some of the many evils he perpetrated. But hey, I guess he did manage to end the climate crisis on Alderaan, that planet he blew up.