Thursday December 10, 2020, 4:38 PM
More than 100 hotels, bars and restaurants in Jersey have written to the Chief Minister as they battle for survival amid a hospitality shutdown. Credit: ITV Channel TV
More than 100 hotels, bars and restaurants in Jersey have written to the Chief Minister begging for more financial support as they battle for survival amid a hospitality shutdown.
Five umbrella groups - Luxury Jersey Hotels, Liberation Group, Randalls, JP Restaurants and Dolan Hotels - are behind the letter, which says they have been left with "no other choice" but to write.
In it, they explain that being shut down for a second time will cost the industry "tens of millions of pounds in sales" and that, if it cannot re-open on 18 December, the government needs to better protect workers in the form of more financial support to give them "a fighting
chance to rebuild when this crisis ends".