This documentary follows 17 Israeli teenagers, both girls and boys, who set out on a very special journey - a quest for their Ethiopian roots! Some of them were born there and immigrated to Israel as small children. Some have only heard about their country of origin from their parents who used to live there. Now, all of them the graduates of a communication course organized by Israel Educational Television and are to face their roots. How emotional will it be for this group of young people growing up in Israeli society, so different from the background of their parents, to familiarize with their own cultural sources? Will it be a shock, or an awakened sense of belonging? Their observations made during the journey reflect their own point of view. These intimate stories are interwoven with frames of the beautiful Ethiopian vistas of the Tana Lake and the Simien Mountains that they see along the road. The journey turns into an unforgettable emotional experience for everyone involved and a valuable proof of the importance of preserving your family history.